QuadCopter recommendations?

Hey Bob Correll: Have you mastered that V911 yet? I got mine back in the air this morning. It had been a while and I had forgotten how much I had to mess with the trim just to get it right. Its really calm here today so I just took it out to the backyard for a few short flights. I'm having to retrain myself a bit, but its coming back.
I've tested the V911 a little in the basement, and I'm not ready for outside prime time yet.
With no gaming experience, since Atari, multitasking with a controller is a challenge for me.
On the old Atari my frog got ran over more often than not, and my Pac Man didn't stand a ghosts chance. :(
I've tested the V911 a little in the basement, and I'm not ready for outside prime time yet.
With no gaming experience, since Atari, multitasking with a controller is a challenge for me.
On the old Atari my frog got ran over more often than not, and my Pac Man didn't stand a ghosts chance. :(

Bob after you have mastered the quads, you will probably want to learn to fly a powered parachute too.
The fly like BBQ, low and slow.
Keep practicing Bob - it won't take long.

I had to sheepishly knock on a neighbor's door yesterday and ask if I could go into their (fenced) backyard and retrieve my copter. The V911 got a little far away and I couldn't tell which way it was facing. Thinking it was facing me, I told it to go full ahead. It was facing away from me. :o As it was quickly running away, I cut the throttle and down it came on the neighbor's lawn. That's the only problem I've found with this thing so far - it has great range - a little too great.
So picture this; you guys have all become masters of the R/C quads... what to do next? Say you have 4 spare Rotax 582's sitting around waiting for something to do.
It would be interesting to build a life-sized quad under sport pilot if allowed, but not sure if I would have the stones to fly in it, but it would have to be fun to watch.
You guys might try building one of these.
Those 582s would be the perfect ticket.
I served on this ship a couple of years after this was taken.
Also the USS Maddox 6 yrs after 'the' incident.
My parts came and I made a little progress today - I really have no idea what I'm doing :)


Looking Kewl !!!

OH... you might want to check the orientation of the prop in lower left corner of the picture ;)
OR... is it the top right prop ?

Are quad copter affected by p-factor ?
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gee thanks Bob :p

not exactly sure about p-factor, but if it's in relation to the cheap helis I've flown,,,,, not nearly as much....almost enough to say no... I've only flown cheap helis so far (v911, RC9116, etc), but I bought a 450 sized clone (just stole the receiver and battery from it tonight) and it has what I'd have to assume is a better flight controller (is that what it's called on a heli?) to help compensate for that.

I withdraw my withdrawn recommendation for the Syma X5 - it flies stable and very controllable indoors (I'm not that good), but it's super easy relatively speaking and flies like a dream in near zero wind conditions outside (not stable and hard to control in just >mild winds)
I withdraw my withdrawn recommendation for the Syma X5 - it flies stable and very controllable indoors (I'm not that good), but it's super easy relatively speaking and flies like a dream in near zero wind conditions outside (not stable and hard to control in just >mild winds)

Thanks Clint. Just ordered one. :D
My fleet now consists of a Syma S108G and S107G, V911, and as of yesterday, an Estes Nano quad.
Son and I tried the V911 outside today for the first time, neither did very well, but not enough open space to really get the feel for it.
The Nano is a blast, but fast! The pooch is ignoring the helis, but the flying bug bugs her.

My tip for buying from Amazon is to check the used listings, this applies to pretty much anything.
If it has a listing for used, and fulfilled by Amazon, I usually go for it, even if they say only "Good" condition.
The V911 was listed as "Collectible, Very Good" at $17, S107G for $13, and the Nano was $23.
All were as new in the box with roughly a total savings of $27.
Returns are easy if all is not up to snuff.
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As luck would have it, my X5 arrived today! Looks like I'll be learning a new aircraft this weekend. :)
if you're fairly comfortable with the others skip the landing gear and blade protectors....they just make it heavy & slow. I hope you like it!

edit:>>>> Wait for there to be little to no wind...... the left button on the shoulder of the remote makes it more responsive (just tap it once to switch to advanced mode), and the one on the right shoulder of the remote - get it 10-15' high, hold it and push the right thumbstick in any direction & it'll flip that way.
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I'll probably know how to build one of those for a lot cheaper than that fairly soon :) I've been reading a little..... There are still a few hurdles in my way and a LOT more to learn..

The 450 dji clone I'm building is all manual, line of sight only. I'm using a $30 flight controller. The dji controllers (there are other higher end ones too) have GPS inputs..... Here's the DJI official ones (I wish I'd have got their Naza Lite one instead of the KK2.1.5 - o'well, I'll have to build another after my first success)


They seem real simple so far (mine's still in pieces):

4 motors
4 speed controllers
flight controller
.....pretty much it.

the parts are cheap, so going from 4 -> 6 motors isn't much of a step.... frames are cheap too....

Once you get into these hobby or pro size, they become much more serious. The ones I have are real friendly, but these bigger ones with bigger batteries / more power / sharper blades - I think they'll be finger choppers so they demand a lot more respect. I hope to not find out firsthand :)
Nice flying there Clint!

Which one of you expert fly-boys is ready to up your game?
Only 4K, and the owner says:
Will consider trade for a custom BBQ smoker/grill that is trailer mounted.



I think I'll pass on that one, but thanks Bob. 4k is a lot of tri tip. :wsm:

I've done a few flights with the quad now, and it is fun. Controls are slightly different than the V911, which frustrated me at first, but I'm getting over it. When I'm done mowing the lawn in a bit, I'm going to take it outside and try a few flips. :)

