PSA - Always wear shoes.

Indeed. I'm recovering from that very thing, a 3rd degree burn from July 4th, and I expect another 6 weeks of recovery.

Wear SOMETHING on your feet, and make sure that chimney empties completely into the grill.
Indeed. I'm recovering from that very thing, a 3rd degree burn from July 4th, and I expect another 6 weeks of recovery.

Wear SOMETHING on your feet, and make sure that chimney empties completely into the grill.
Sorry to hear, did it require a graft? I may need one. In less than 2 seconds it went right through to the fat layer. I thought a reminder might save someone else the pain.
Well..... no graft, at least not of yet. I'll see the doc at the end of the week. I burned myself on the heavy callus on the ball of my foot,and I do think that sort of saved me, any other part of my foot and it would have been much, much worse. While it was a deep burn, I did not lose the top layer of skin, and blistered heavily, that took almost a month to finally come off. I sent pics in to the clinic 48 hours after the injury, they said keep doing what you're doing, and as long as there aren't any signs of infection or other issues, see you in a few weeks. Thus far, I've kept it clean and dry, and it's healing astonishingly well.

This has been a wake-up call, and quite disturbing. It's pretty rare that I don't wear something on my feet. I really can't afford injuries on my feet (diabetic.)
I did that same thing last year. It wasn’t 3rd degree but I limped fo quite some time and it still feels sore inside my foot. sometimes. That was the first and last time I’ll dump out a chimney without something on.
Sorry to hear of your injurys. A painful lesson I'm sure you won't repeat. Fingers crossed you both have a speedy recovery.
The amount of pics/vids I see with people working a grill and not wearing covered footwear is mind-boggling! Even a tiny "escapee" of charcoal will be extremely painful when stood on.
I have a pair of flip-flops that suffered on my behalf. Given the size of hole burned into the bottom of them, I hate to think what would have happened to my foot if I'd not been wearing them.
In the summer the only time I wear anything other than flip-flops or sandals is if I'm mowing the grass. I even have sandals designed specifically for use on my bike, with cleats on the bottom for snapping into the pedals.
When I was a kid I had a pair of flip flops cut the pudding out of the skin between my toes, I was maybe seven or eight, nope, not wearin’ those never again! Just sayin’.
I hope you both have a speedy recovery. Wearing shoes when cooking with charcoal is mandatory. Also, after you dump the coals from the chimney look inside to make sure there isn't a stray coal or two remaining that could fall through the cone grate and land on your foot.
When I was a kid I had a pair of flip flops cut the pudding out of the skin between my toes, I was maybe seven or eight, nope, not wearin’ those never again! Just sayin’.
Don't buy them at the dollar store. Every year Costco has some really nice ones for $10-$12. I must have six pairs. Only ones I didn't like were one year they had very thin leather soles. No cushioning at all. All the rest have had good quality, multi-layer foam in the base. I've never had an issue with rubbing between my toes.
Sorry Jay, they ain’t going on these tootsies, I’ve managed to live 59 years past that without wearing them, I’ll finish the run with good feet. My wife even says they are pretty! No accounting for taste, she married me after all! She’s the best!
Now, I will admit I will wear moccasins, aqua socks and full foot sandals but, this old dog can’t be trained to hunt that quarry.
Been there done that. Stepped on a lump discharge right on the heel. Couldn't dig it out no matter how hard I tried. Felt like I was walking around with a rock in my shoe for nearly a month
Yikes !
I always go barefoot when I cook our deck because we have a no shoes rule in the house.
I am going to shoe up.
At my age healing takes a bit longer than it used to.
If anyone is still not convinced to shoe up, let me share the details as I chronicled them over on the WKC:
In my case, the coal pressed smack-dab in the middle of the bottom of my foot, half way between the heel and ball. The ‘Small’ of the foot, if that makes sense. Not a lot of callus there. So the coal had no trouble hitting the muscle and tendon. Still waiting to see if it is going to heal properly or if I’ll need surgery/skin graft. And I’m usually adamant about footwear, but I was out in the garage working on something else, and I thought, ‘ oh look, a Weber kettle that’s not burning coals….that’s not right.‘ So I got it going, barefoot, and presto- I’m an idiot. Wear shoes kids.
In my case, the coal pressed smack-dab in the middle of the bottom of my foot, half way between the heel and ball. The ‘Small’ of the foot, if that makes sense. Not a lot of callus there. So the coal had no trouble hitting the muscle and tendon.
YIKES!!!!!!! I'm not gonna put down here what I was really thinking, Chris would [properly] permanently ban me. I sincerely hope you heal up gracefully and properly.

I've had my g/f keep giving me second opinions on my foot (yer still ugly....) and in my case, due to stepping on the hot coal with the fairly heavy callused ball, I got incredibly lucky. I still expect to be limping a little in a month, but [knock wood,] I'm showing all signs of healing up. I'll see the doc for the first time on Friday, but having kept in touch with them just a bit, I don't think that I'm in for much trouble.

