Picked up a nice red this week!!!


Morgan C.

TVWBB Diamond Member
Howdy folks...Craig's list has been good to me this year...picked up a q just a couple weeks ago and then this sweet little number popped up a couple days ago....

I was hoping for a 3 wheeler but this will do...vintage 1989...all is in real good shape except the ash sweep is history...no worries should be an easy fix and cleanup!!

Pretty stoked!! I was going to pass but my wife just wouldn't let that happen!!
Nice! I like the red ones. Al Bundy had a red kettle, but he didn't use the lid.
How much was it?

20 bucks Greg! I didn't even haggle!!

Jim not sure yet but I'm sure you see it on here soon as I get a chance to clean it up! Been moving snow for the last two days...
$20! You bastard! (Can I say that on here?)
I really like the red ones. That's one of the old "3 wheelers" isn't it? My first kettle was a $20 garage sale black 3 wheel model and I wish I still had it.
As a friend of mine always says..... "You stepped in it this time". Congrats and I'm looking forward to the maiden voyage. :)
Thanks folks...still pretty amazed to find a red here locally, I always figured if I did it would be a project and then some but this one will clean up nice!!
Pretty Red Head, and she cooks to. Also she is born and bred in the USA. But, Morgan I doubt she will do the dishes. HAHA;)
Great score Morgan. I have a friend down here who has three of them. Yours is in really nice shape. They are pretty.
Finally got all the parts in and finished off my redhead!! Now I need to get it cooking!

New grates, sweeper, wheel caps...ended up painting the triangle. Handles came out ok although I had the thru bolt them as the wood is getting soft..came out good though!!

