Order Smoke Day 12 T-Shirts & Logostuff


Chris Allingham

Staff member
WSM Smoke Day 12 t-shirts, sweatshirts, golf shirts, aprons, mugs, stickers, magnets, and more are now available for order at Cafepress.com!

WSM Smoke Day 12 Logo: Design on front
(Use this link for aprons, mugs, steins, mousepad, stickers, and magnets.)

WSM Smoke Day 12 Logo: Design on back

[table="width: 1000, align: left"]

T-shirts come in a variety of colors and sizes up to 4XL. Prices start as low as $13.99 for the value t-shirt in white. $4 from each item sold ($2 for stickers and magnets) helps defray the cost of bringing you these forums.

Here's to a great Smoke Day on May 28th!
check the colour shirts, the gray is called ASH GREY




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My t-shirt arrived yesterday, I'm counting down the days till Smoke Day! I just remembered...today(4/20)is Smoke Day too, but that's a different kind of smoke!LOL!
Sooo, are other items in stock or just the shirts? I'm looking to order a stein, apron, and tee....

I see above someone ordered an apron but I've had no luck adding it to cart "sorry, item cannot be found".. or something like that.
Ordered mine today, that's 3 years of Smoke Day tee shirts now. A very strange thing. 3 years ago, a large was perfect, but for some reason...I need an extra large...Either my cooking has gotten better, or the chickens have slowed down

