Not over the loss of the first one and now this.


Rich Dahl

R.I.P. 7/21/2024
Sad news, we had to say goodbye to Raddy our Golden Retriever Wednesday morning. After having a series of seizures she was left with no use of her back legs and she didn't know us or Whitney or where she was.
Raddy was the mother of Holly, who we lost a little over a year ago. Every time we would walk them around the neighborhood people would come out to say hi and pet the two who were just thrilled at the attention.
They soon became known as “The ladies of Boardwalk” that’s the name of the street we used to live on. Any of the neighbors who saw us always asked how the ladies were doing.
Even when we moved here the neighbors would always wave and smile as we went by, it was thier Golden Retriever friendliness that was so infectious with everyone they met.
Barb is especially hurting as Raddy was more her dog as Holly was more mine.
We shared our lives with her for 11 1/2 of the 13 years she lived.
She was the quiet gentle dog in our family and she will be dearly missed.

At least their back together again.
Raddy is the one with her head up, they were buddies always snuggling up with each other

Rich, Barb and Whitney, you are in our thoughts and prayers. So hard to lose a part of the family. Sounds like you have lots of memories to remember her by.
My thoughts and prayers are with you. Our pets really do become members of our families. My wife still tears up when she thinks about the last cat we lost. He was her favorite. I know you have great memories of Raddy.
I remember how we felt when we had to have our last dog put down. Shadow was a golden retriever/German Sheppard mix and when he got sick it just tore us all apart.
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So sorry for your loss, Rich and Barb. It's never easy.

Try to look at it this way: 13 years is a very good run for a Golden and you are both fortunate to have enjoyed that extra time with her.
Rich and Barb... I feel so badly over your loss of Raddy. I know the terrible hurt you are feeling right now. My thoughts are with you during this difficult time.
So sorry for your loss, Rich and Barb. One year apart is too soon. Take some time to grieve, and remember the companionship and loyalty from both of those great Goldens. You gave them good lives.
Oh no Rich, I'm so sorry for you, Barb and Whitney's loss. It is just heartbreaking having to say goodbye to our furry kids, especially two of your beloved pups in the space of a year. Give Barb a big hug from me, my beagle Joey and my chihuahua Ziggy.
Rich and Barb so sorry for your loss, Raddy and Holly were so lucky to have both of you as pet parents.
Very heartbreaking news, Rich and Barb. I can't even imagine how painful it must be to lose two close friends in such a short period of time.
Rich & Barb,
Its terrible to loose a family members. Because that's what they are. We have been through this ourselves, so we know the saddening loss that you are feeling. Hang in there, in time it will get better.
We are thinking of you,
your friends to the north,
Russ & Deb
We know how much you are hurting. Give each other lots of hugs and cry all you want...we sure did when we lost Cody. Whitney will help you and you will help Whitney deal with this.
Hugs and prayers coming to the three of you from Diane and me....
Rich and Barb, I am sorry for your loss, as it is never easy. Raddy would want you to help another dog when you are ready.

