New WSMs for 2009

Can't wait to get one or two
Chris, I was just wondering if it was possible to use the 22in rotisserie attachment for the weber charcoal grill as sort of a "stacker" unit for the new 22in WSM? Granted you would need to add a grate and grate holder. I was just wondering if it was feasibly possible to mate the WSM with the rotisserie attachment.
I recvd. a replacement lower charcoal bowl from Weber today for my 2008 WSM. The old bowl dampers had rivets which were convex...they were little domed aluminum rivets. The new bowl came with rivets which were concave...they sloped inwards. These new ones would be much easier to drill for a candy thermometer should someone have this type on their upper lid. Strange to have two bowls from 2008 with completely different rivets.
Originally posted by JRPfeff:
When I buy my 22" WSM, I will find a way to add members to the legs to resist the shear forces.
Why not trust Weber's engineering? They listened to feedback that the existing legs on the 18" were a little flimsy and they have improved them on the new 18", and have scaled the legs up even further on the 22". Maybe you're assuming a problem that doesn't exist? Just a thought...

Originally posted by Jason Gladstone:
The new bowl came with rivets which were concave...they sloped inwards. These new ones would be much easier to drill for a candy thermometer should someone have this type on their upper lid.
Sounds like you've got dampers with backward rivets. The "outie" is supposed to be on the outside, the "innie" is supposed to be on the inside.

Originally posted by Eric G:
I was just wondering if it was possible to use the 22in rotisserie attachment for the weber charcoal grill as sort of a "stacker" unit for the new 22in WSM?
It is my understanding that the 22" WSM bowl is a repurposed 22" kettle bowl, so the rotisserie section would definitely fit the bowl. But you want to put the rotisserie section on top of the middle section and the put the lid on top. Not sure how the lid would engage in this case. Someone will surely give this a try and let us know.
Originally posted by Chris Allingham:
Someone in the previous 10 pages of this thread mentioned a stronger top grate. I am getting ready to cook 45 lbs. of pork butt tomorrow night, so I thought why not see if the top grate can hold all that weight.

No problem. See photo.

when you are using the 22" wsm are you finding the door staying in place when you tend the fire and waterpan a hindrance that it doesnt come off easiily or a help?? the bigger door seems to have a whole lot more room than i thought from your in use pictures. i got the impression from your video that the door wasnt dramatically large in the vertical opening compaired to the 18" model.
Originally posted by Chris Allingham:
It is my understanding that the 22" WSM bowl is a repurposed 22" kettle bowl, so the rotisserie section would definitely fit the bowl. But you want to put the rotisserie section on top of the middle section and the put the lid on top. Not sure how the lid would engage in this case.
In both WSM's cases, the top of the cooking section is made to engage the lid just as a kettle bowl and lid do, only upside down. If the rotisserie attachment could function in an inverted position, it might well work (except for the part about condensation inside the lid dripping down the outside). Would probably involve drilling some better-positioned holes to move the spit closer to the opposite end as well. This, of course, is all conjecture-- I don't own a rotisserie attachment.
Originally posted by Ian Mack:
Does the lid and the base fit together on the new models, so that it can be used as a "Kettle" ?
Both lid and bowl are 22" kettle bowls, so fit is the same as current WSM...they do not nest together. I think Weber wants to sell us both a kettle and a smoker.
Originally posted by Jon Merka:
when you are using the 22" wsm are you finding the door staying in place when you tend the fire and waterpan a hindrance that it doesnt come off easiily or a help?? the bigger door seems to have a whole lot more room than i thought from your in use pictures. i got the impression from your video that the door wasnt dramatically large in the vertical opening compaired to the 18" model.
The current door opening is 7-1/4" x 10". On the 22" it's 12-3/4" x 13-7/8"'s a lot bigger opening.

I'm liking the new door so far. You open it and it lays out flat as shown in the photos. There's no question when the door is latched.

As for the water pan, I like the way it fits. Very solid, very secure, yet it goes in/out as easily as before.
Is this new WSM cool? Absolutely YES! Do I think it is worth the $399 price tag I've seen floating around in different places? NO! Before anybody really wants to buy one they really ought to look at what they are getting. The cost of the unit about $50-$75, packaging about $50, Weber name $274-$299.

In Chris' videos he showed us the poor quality of Weber. He had to tweak the bowl because it had too much gap for the body. It may have been the other way around. Nonetheless, my point is if Weber is going to expect each of us to pay top dollar then we need to expect top quality.

Maybe I am to critical. All of us work hard for our money. Why should we just throw it away at shoddy workmanship? Just one of my thoughts.
Originally posted by Chris Allingham:
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Ian Mack:
Does the lid and the base fit together on the new models, so that it can be used as a "Kettle" ?
Both lid and bowl are 22" kettle bowls, so fit is the same as current WSM...they do not nest together. I think Weber wants to sell us both a kettle and a smoker.

Good Point!
Originally posted by Jim Jackson:
Maybe I am to critical.
Maybe just a little. I think your cost estimates are way off, and while it was unfortunate that the cooker I received had some of the problems we see in the current WSM, it's not the case that all cookers have these problems. When these problems do occur, Weber sends free replacement parts until they get it right.
Unless you want to pay less for shipping jobs offshore to have Weber cut costs that is...

Anyways, the pricing for all the weber charcoal products seems incredibly fair to me.
Is the pricing released yet?

$399 is way too much in my opinion.
$299 - probably the right price point IMO - because it means they can have the 18" at $199 and be good.

As nice as it would be to have a big WSM - the fact of the matter is, I wont use it nearly as much as I use my current 18" WSM because I don't need to cook 45 lbs of butt's on a regular basis.

Here's what I'd probably use the 22" WSM for....
- Ribs
- Rotisserie turkey
- larger brisketts (yay, no more packing them between the handles)
- Reinforcing my self-image that I'm a grilling / bbq fanatic

Then again, I paid $100 for a rotisserie I use three or four times a year, so what the heck do I know...

Question: Is the thermometer removable? how big of a hole does it have? Could I run my probe wires through the hole, or could I at least run my probe through the hole?

Do the current stoker WSM adapters fit over the larger dampers? Would a 5CFM fan be enough to power the 22" beast?
Originally posted by Ryan Gardner:
Is the pricing released yet?

Is the thermometer removable? how big of a hole does it have?
Pricing is not yet released, to the best of my knowledge.

The thermometer is removable. It's held in place with a washer and wingnut. The hole is approx. 3/8".
You'd think that they would have given Chris the best possible WSM they had, or made sure it was 100% peffect. I mean, they knew he was going to critique it and tell all of the enthusiasts on the board. Maybe it was a shipping problem. You would think they'd send the best, thats all..

