Greg, the valves and manifold are Chinese (at least it was marked as such on my sister's) I do not remember on the fire box but I'll lay odds it is from China. Basically every small part (including the grates) was marked from China. Frankly it disappointed me.
Now FWIW made in China does not automatically equate to junk. Witness so much of what we use every day. Heck even the American military relies on stuff made in China. It just frankly disappoints me that American companies are resorting more and more to simply importing Chinese product(s). While made in China does not automatically = junk it depends highly on the quality of material used to make it. Junk can originate here too if inferior materials are used.
I am a Weber fan but not of the new stuff I truly think Weber is trading on it's "reputation" more than on building actual quality into the product.

I don't think the current crop of upcoming of Weber products will have the longevity of things like my 25 yo Genesis. Plus it's obvious with "stunts" like Weber pulled with my Summit where they abandoned the product UNDER THE WARRANTY and left a customer high and dry with no way to fix an obvious production issue other than to either A scrounge for or make the offending part or B put a $1500 (hard won $$$$$ I might add) on the scrap heap.
Now let's face facts Weber is not alone in this. Look at products from Onward company. (Broil King, BroilMate, Huntington, etc) their build quality is about the same as Weber, (though more of their product is made on this side of the world) I still don't expect a 25+ year performance out of them. However for a product level Weber would charge $1500 to $2000 for they only charge $500 to $800 for. If one of them has to go on the scrap heap at say 20 years I'd rather it was a $500 product than a $1500 product.
Just food for thought. Believe me I am not throwing "sour grapes" out here. Nothing would make me happier than to see Weber begin getting back to their former philosophy and go back to making SOLID (not fancy) product that a customer can buy and know they've made a solid investment for the long haul. From what I am seeing of Weber lately though I doubt it.