TVWBB Super Fan
I've been dealing with this at the in-laws' condo. Massachusetts fire (which take precedence over any condo documents) code stipulate that:True. There's plenty of places that won't allow charcoal or wood fueled grills of any sort but will allow gas. Apartment balconies, HOAs for townhomes and condos, even the upper or second story decks of single family homes in many municipalities. However, gas fueled grills are allowed.
1. Only electric grills may be used on porches, balconies, or decks.
2. Propane and solid-fuel grills may be used only if greater than 10 feet from building (tough on people with balconies).
3. Propane and solid-fuel grills may be stored on porches, balconies, or decks once fully cool; propane tank must be disconnected and kept separate from grill.
4. Hard-piped NG and propane grills are permissible with a whole different list of restrictions, but they don't have NG, so does not apply to their condo development.
There are a lot of unhappy residents right now.
Thankfully, in-laws' unit is at ground level- I have an E-210 there, and roll it off the concrete patio and through the grass on the crappy little wheels until I'm 10 feet away from the building. Can't use it on the patio, as it's not big enough to get 10 feet from building, and it's under an upper deck, so that's another issue.