Morel Egg McCorrell & rain play pics


Bob Correll

R.I.P. 3/31/2022
I truly hope no one minds when I post pics of things other than my cooks or food.
My other hobby is photography, and just like my grilling/bbq-ing it's a work in progress.
I do not post them because I think they're great, but because I have fun taking them.

Shortly after last night's cook an April shower started.

I tried to capture rain splashes.


The sun came out, as did a rainbow.


On to this morning's breakfast.
My daughter gave us some morel mushrooms, first of the year and tiny.
Sautéed in butter, along with leftover pork tenderloin and bacon.

Added some of my smoked Colby, and the first ever Morel Egg McCorrell was born!

Thanks all for putting up with me!
Love your pictures! I am starting to take an interest in photography as well, but keep to my Galaxy S3's phone battery for now.
Photos are beautiful Bob, you have a real talent there, however, that breakfast sammie is out of this world, I would love to taste that in the morning....noon, or evening. Nicely done sir!
You did indeed capture the splashes, Bob. Beautiful pictures and delicious looking meal. We're not putting up with you, you are indulging us!
Great pictures Robert!! That egg sammie had to awesome. Morels are still many weeks away here in Michigan.
One of our favorite meals is sautèed morels and venison back strap, can't wait for them to start poppin' up!
I hope you never stop sharing your photos, they're great! I wish you would start sharing some of those breakfast sammies though.

I've never had a morell mushroom. The wife doesn't like mushrooms so I gotta get em here and there when I can.

thanks for sharing!
Great pics and awesome looking breakfast Bob!

It's interesting to me, as a photographer, that even with today's fanciest cameras there is virtually no way to recreate what Adams did with his 4x5 cameras. His skill in the darkroom is a lost art, and even people who still shoot film wish they could do what he did...

