More Stuffed Chicken Breasts



TVWBB 1-Star Olympian
I'm starting to feel like a Stuffed Chicken Breast Challenge should follow the Yakitori Challenge. There have been a LOT of great stuffed chicken cooks lately.

Took some frozen broc, shredded cheddar jack and wild rice and stuffed it into some BSB's. I hit the BSBs with Penzey's Northwoods and cooked 'em on the Q over med-low heat. Here they are while the grill was heating up:

No pics while cooking, unfortunately. 1) I was in a hurry and 2) it was dark. 'Tis the season, I guess. Here are a couple of pics of the chicken resting.

While they were resting, I threw some zucchini 'steaks' on that were marinated in EVOO and Penzey's "Forward".

Finally plated up:

Had some challenges with the camera tonight, but you get the idea. :D
The stuffing looks quite tasty, and it turns chicken breast into a nice healthy balanced meal. Normally, I find chicken breast to be a little boring in general, but I'd be thrilled to eat one of these, Jim!
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Very nice, great way to kick up an otherwise boring BSCB! Like the challenge idea too, but should wait awhile as the yakitori challenge is getting pretty interesting.
That darkness thing is getting to be a pain...
It wasn't painful to look at your good lookin' chicken, Jim!

