Looking for help with cooking times (brisket)


John Neuser

Hello everyone. Hope you're enjoying your weekend. I plan on smoking a full brisket for some friends next Friday. Untrimmed it comes in at 10#. I expect to remove about two pounds of fat. Therefore 8# dressed. It's a choice grade piece of meat if that makes a difference. My plan is to calculate cooking time based on time to serve and I'm looking for some validation on my time line. I've done briskets before but this is for my oldest friend and his wife and I really want it to be a home run. My plan is:
Working backwards:

Serve brisket at 2PM
Hold brisket for two hours in cooler, therefore in at noon
At 75 minutes per pound at 225* cooking time is about 10 hours therefore in smoker at about 2AM. Maybe I'll back it up to midnight and hold for four hours in cooler. Thoughts?
Does this sound about right? Anything I'm missing?

Thank you,
I would start earlier like 10 pm and let it rest longer. You must only be doing the flat, which I have done and I think your timing is about right. But, plan for it to go longer than you think (every piece of meat is different) so you aren't rushing to finish it and/or shortening the rest (which is critical IMO). Resting longer will only make it better. If you are concerned about the temp dropping on the longer rest, you can hold it at 140 to 160 in a nesco or something similar.
Hello everyone. Hope you're enjoying your weekend. I plan on smoking a full brisket for some friends next Friday. Untrimmed it comes in at 10#. I expect to remove about two pounds of fat. Therefore 8# dressed. It's a choice grade piece of meat if that makes a difference. My plan is to calculate cooking time based on time to serve and I'm looking for some validation on my time line. I've done briskets before but this is for my oldest friend and his wife and I really want it to be a home run. My plan is:
Working backwards:

Serve brisket at 2PM
Hold brisket for two hours in cooler, therefore in at noon
At 75 minutes per pound at 225* cooking time is about 10 hours therefore in smoker at about 2AM. Maybe I'll back it up to midnight and hold for four hours in cooler. Thoughts?
Does this sound about right? Anything I'm missing?

Thank you,
What kind of Cooker?
I'd go for the early start and longer rest. Wrapped up the longer you rest a brisket in a cooler the better. Can easily hold for 4-6 hours with a decent cooler and a few towels, just don't use the wifes lol. They get mad
Thank you for all the comments. They are much appreciated. I have some additional info and comments.

"I would start earlier like 10 pm and let it rest longer."
I double checked the weight. It's actually 12#s therefore 10#s dressed. Would you suggest that I back up my time even more. That is, start even earlier than you suggested 10 pm? I presume you think 75 mins per pound is too short.

"You must only be doing the flat"
Brisket is actually a full packer

"What kind of Cooker?"
WSM 22.5. Will be using good ole KBB.

"just don't use the wifes (towels) lol. Surprised look!!!! Doesn't every good pit master have their own dedicated set of towels??? Just kidding😃

Thanks again .
Thank you for all the comments. They are much appreciated. I have some additional info and comments.

"I would start earlier like 10 pm and let it rest longer."
I double checked the weight. It's actually 12#s therefore 10#s dressed. Would you suggest that I back up my time even more. That is, start even earlier than you suggested 10 pm? I presume you think 75 mins per pound is too short.

"You must only be doing the flat"
Brisket is actually a full packer

"What kind of Cooker?"
WSM 22.5. Will be using good ole KBB.

"just don't use the wifes (towels) lol. Surprised look!!!! Doesn't every good pit master have their own dedicated set of towels??? Just kidding😃

Thanks again .
that whole packer will cook in 8-9 hours at 250° IMO. That’s not a big brisket.

10p start plus 8 is done at 6AM. If you’re wrapping it, you’ll be wrapping at 4AM (estimated). With such a heavy trim, I’d recco you wrap it and slather it with tallow right as you wrap it.

Pull at 6 or 7AM and rest it till you need it. That gives you an 8 hour rest if you’re cutting it at 2p.
Ditto to Todd's response. Also, I have fiund that when I set my WSM at 250 my brisket kept coming out a bit tough. When I went to 215, though it took longer to smoke, my brisket comes out incredibly tender. Using 215 and wrapping in foil once it reaches an internal temperature of 160, it takes me a total time of close to 14 hours, which includes a 2 to 4 hour rest in the cooler.
I’m in the “earlier is better” camp. I’ve done briskets at about that weight at 240-250 and have had them take 13 hours. In a cooler, a well-insulated hunk can go 4-5 hours, so I would‘nt worry too much about it finishing too early. That’s much better than too late!
Thanks to everyone. Brisket was a success. 10# trimmed. 15 total hours in the smoker at 225°. Wrapped in PBP at 170° which was about 10 hours in. Pulled at 205. Rewrapped and put in preheated cooler for about 2 1/2 hours. It was tender and juicy. Shout out to Raleigh who gave me some additional tips and answered some questions. Here are some pix.

Next time, consider high heat with a wrap. 5-6 hr and boom, you're done (other than the post-cook rest) (y)
Thanks Len, I'll definitely give it a try. A few questions:
When you wrap, do you still do it at 165 - 180° and pull at around 200 if tender?
Can you estimate minutes per pound? This past cook was almost exactly 75 mins per pound.

Thank you,
Thanks Len, I'll definitely give it a try. A few questions:
When you wrap, do you still do it at 165 - 180° and pull at around 200 if tender?
Can you estimate minutes per pound? This past cook was almost exactly 75 mins per pound.

Thank you,
yes-wrap at 160 (or so) and pull at 200-205. Time? Well, every brisket is different BUT I've found that a 10lb trimmed piece will take ~ 2 hr less than a 13lb one. For a 10lb, I'm guessing 4-5 hr?? not counting resting time at the end

