This looks like it is abut an hour away from you. If you really want to see one in person I suggest getting a hold of this seller. You could save lots of money and have a nearly new Q. From the pictures it looks like it is in excellent shape. According to the seller it is hardly used at all, and the pictures seem to verify that.
It's already been posted two days and at that price I am sure it wont last much longer.
When I first read the post, I thought the price was $300, and I thought that was a good deal, considering a new 3200 would be $470 - $520, depending on which retailer I got it from.
Then after reading other posts, and seeing the comment about $75, I checked again. Then I saw it was actually $75, and the seller just said he paid $300.
Thanks for finding it.
I'll contact the seller, and see if I can arrange a visit.
Not sure how to transport it, though.
I don't want to rent a truck and take it in the city. For one, that would take me 2.5 - 3 hours of rental time, including fill-up. Two, I'm ok driving my car a little bit in the city. But I have to plan in advance where to park. Otherwise I've spent 20 - 40 minutes before just searching for parking (and that could still happen even with planning).
Driving another vehicle, especially a bigger one that I'm used to, in SF, is even less desirable. I'd have to also see if the seller can reserve some sort of spot for me in the parking garage (and even then, it's hard enough to fit into those parking spaces).
But, I'll contact the seller and see if they have any ideas to make transportation easier.
It would probably be 3 hours of rental time, including transporting the grill in the elevator of the seller's apartment complex.
Also, my cousin who lives in the city, has told stories of how sometimes he tries to give stuff away for free, but people still ask if he can transport the item to where they are, because of transport obstacles. He tells them no.