Look out little birdies!


Bob Correll

R.I.P. 3/31/2022
Look out credit card!
Look out Bob!
Via the Amazon link on this site I just purchased a lens that was almost twice the price of my camera body.
Top of the line 300mm f/4 prime lens that is.
It should put my very decent 55-300mm zoom lens into storage for bird and wildlife shots.
Well heck, I do have a birthday coming up soon, and this will the last year of my sixties, so........

Thanks folks!
Picked up a new feeder today at HD, regular $14 for $7.


Edit to add first visitor was a red bellied woodpecker.
(shot was through mini blinds of the deck door.


he preferred the suet cake.

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Sounds like you know your photography, Bob.

Cameras like yours are a bit out of my reach, and I can't seem to find a point & shoot (P&S) model that gives me the image quality I like. P&S models tend to have small sensors, and that alone can kill a camera with a decent lens.
Are those shots with the new lens? Like the feeder
Oh no Chuck, the lens doesn't get here until Friday, I can't wait!

Small sensors or not, P&S cameras have come a long way and many can produce very nice photos these days.
Unless I'm mistaken TonyR uses his cell phone, and you've probably seen how good his pics are.
Small sensors or not, P&S cameras have come a long way and many can produce very nice photos these days.
Unless I'm mistaken TonyR uses his cell phone, and you've probably seen how good his pics are.

Yes and no.

I've used three Canons, and one Nikon, and neither of them took photos as sharp as a good 35mm film camera would. Now I have a few digital camera shots that I like very well, but neither camera could freeze a motion shot like a film camera could. Sensor size makes a big difference among digital cameras.

There is one exception I found of late, and that is the Nikon Cool Pix S8200. My wife's aunt owns it, and it takes pretty good shots in my tests - although the color is not quite up to par of a Canon - which I think has the best color of the all camera brands.
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Oh I agree that sensor size makes a difference, but mainly, for me at least, whether or not I plan to print large size photos.
For well over a year now almost all my cook pics posted here have been with a Pentax MX-1, out of production now.
Its sensor is 1/1.7 inch (7.6mm x 5.7mm) compared to my DSLR's APS-C (23.5mm x 15.6mm)
Unless I plan more serious shooting, it's the only camera I take on vacations.
Sample shots using the little guy:


Heavy crop of the above:



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My new 2.2 lb. baby came a day early.


first test shot, without birds present


crop of the above.


edit, first bird shot, a danged old starling. (cropped)


second bird shot, also cropped

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Wow Bob! That takes some nice pictures, you're going to have a lot of fun with that. Make sure you share some pictures with your forum friends.

