That ETSY link works great, thanks again for that.
I don't have an account there yet and will only make one if I need to order something.
It does offer it to me in Canadian dollars, so I would like to believe it is possible although probably cannot find out 100% without signing up and going through with all the steps to make sure, kind of lik eon their website.
The down side, very down side of all this is.....
Price on this grill is $123.13 CAD.
Shipping on this grill is an additional $92.28 Canadian dollars.
I don't know how they know without my address but this is what it says on the for sale screen.
Over $205.00 for a killa grilla just like the one you got Bruno....
A new Weber stock replacement is $62.99 locally.....I could get almost 4 for that price. Which would last about 3 years apparently......