Kettle Performer Gas Start Yay or Nay ?


Neil Grant

Have an older 22" charcoal kettle model. is it really that useful to use the propane burner beneath the coals to light them ? The location of the burner isn't helpful for lighting indirect heat coal orientation and even for regular grilling, using a chimney starter is faster anyway.

What am I missing. I don't get the appeal..I've only used it once to try it.

Thumbs up or down on that feature ?
Thumbs up!! Pouring the charcoal into the 2 baskets and turning on the gas lighter is the easiest way to start a charcoal grill. You are done messing with it. After 5 minutes you turn off the gas and about 15 minutes you move the baskets where you want an put the grate back on. You really never have to move extra hot coals or dump them in, other than sliding them around in a basket. When you are done you close the lid and snuff out the flame. Next time you grill, you only have to add more charcoal to the existing previously burnt charcoal. In my opinion, the baskets and gas igniter make me want to use my performer more than I ever wanted to use my stand alone kettle.
When I used mine I put my charcoal chimney over the burner and lit it that way. Since I got my CI grates I don't use the burner any more, I just use a propane torch so I don't have to keep removing the grate.
I'll have to let you know in a few months since I just got a performer with the gas start. What I'm hoping will work is setting it up (loading charcoal into the baskets) before I go to work and teaching my wife or son how to get them lit so it'll be ready to cook when I get home. Lighting newspaper or a cube under a chimney is a lot to ask of my wife, but I think she can turn a knob and push a button. I'd love to grill more often, esp. during the Summer (to avoid heating up the kitchen), but I'm not home from work until after 6:00 usually, so it's usually out of the question.
I like mine. I am going to convert to a 20# propane tank since I get tired of running out of the small tanks and they are expensive anyway. I do also use my chimney at times. Just depends what I want to do. Both ways work great.
I wasn't convinced until I bought it with the gas assist. I still use my chimney sometimes, over the gas assist. I love the baskets, makes it easy to use whatever charcoal is left over from the prior cook. Go with the gas assist.
I use the baskets and gas assist all the time, makes it so simple and neat. The performer is what got me back into charcoal.
I like mine. I am going to convert to a 20# propane tank since I get tired of running out of the small tanks and they are expensive anyway. I do also use my chimney at times. Just depends what I want to do. Both ways work great.

Bob, that will be one of the best things you'll do. I'm going well into two years now on my 20# tank and it still feels full.
For years, YEARS(!) I cooked on a smokey Joe - it's just the 2 of us.
I started out using the "unmentionable liquid" to get things going. Did that for years. Yea, I didn't know any better...
Then I discovered the chimney & newspaper. Little bits of ashy newspaper (sometimes still lit!) blowing everywhere. Did that for years too.
Ironically, right about the same time I stopped getting newspapers, I discovered this website & the oily paper towel method to light the chimney. No ashes, but still messy/oily.
Then I got a performer... And I never looked back, never touched the smokey Joe again. Even though it's still just the 2 of us. The ease of dumping right into charcoal baskets. Turn a knob, push a button. Done. Best thing since... ever.
I just cooked burgers on it tonight & just told the better half, "Damn I love my performer!"
I would take the gas over any other method,I don't use the baskets much,just rake the left over coals to the center add a few more hit the sweeper to clear the ash out of the bottom and hit the button,10-15 minutes and knockem down and start cooking.I use the baskets for indirect cooking so its easier to control where the heat is
I use my propane start with the chimney 99 times out of 100. The other time, I'm using it with the baskets. WAY easier than using crumpled newspaper, etc.
The gas for sure is popular and I would not try to talk you out of it.

I bought a used Gen 3 Performer Premium that does not have gas assist and I don't miss it one bit. Maybe because I have used a Chimney for so long on my 22" kettles and WSM's. They are both done in 10-15 minutes. I use the wax starter cubes or newspaper and find it very easy to light and light every time.
Couldn't live without my gas-assist for baskets or chimney.
The Gourmet grate makes it even better, just remove the inner circle and fire up.
The mini chimney will sit flush over the burners.

Chimney goes over the gas assist, charcoal goes in chimney, 5 minutes later I shut off the gas, the chimney does the rest. Yes, I love that gas assist.
Mine is pre gas assist, so, I don't really have a dog in this fight. I ran out of newspaper one evening but, had a lot of paper grocery bags. A lot less ash than I had expected. I'm leaning toward the long hosed propane torch myself but, you never know.
Bob, that will be one of the best things you'll do. I'm going well into two years now on my 20# tank and it still feels full.

What parts are required for the conversion? I looked into it and then priced a new 20lb can, didn't see a place to mount said can and sort of let the idea fizzle. A picture would be great!

