Kamado E6 - first cook


Mark Foreman

TVWBB Wizard
I did my 1st cook on my new Kamado E6. I would like to point out that have never used a Kamado style cooker before.

1 slab baby backs and a pot-o-beans.
Salted ribs 4 hours before cook time. Dry rub (no salt) just before cooking.
Prep beans for cooking. Thanks to Amazingribs.com for the recipe.

Followed Weber’s instructions in the book (yes, I did RTFB!).
Put in 1 chimney of unlit Kingsford Competition Charcoal along with a chunk or pecan and one of cherrywood.
Lit coals with 2 lighter cubes.
15 minutes later, added diffuser plate topped with drip pan. Drip pan was too narrow pork “Juice” got onto part of the plate. Oh well.

Cook method was 2.5 - 1 - .5. NC vinegar BBQ sauce at the end. Target temperature 235F.

Temperature management:
Adjusted the dampers and it stabilized at 241. Over the next hour, temp has slowly risen to 260. Adjusted the lower damper, burped the pit, got it down to 248. It creeped up again.
I re-read the temperature adjustment instructions which led to a quick trip to BGE and Kamado Joe websites. Turns out, you set the lower vent and control temperatures with the top vent. For me, it was counter intuitive due to 40+ years of Weber top vent open, adjust bottom vents. Needless to say, readjusted lower vent to the smoke position and closed the to vent to 25% open, it flat lined at 238 for the balance of the cook.
Open vents wide open, glazed ribs.
Beans came off at the 3.5 hour mark.

The ribs we tender and very juicy. Beans had a great smokey flavor. Very please with dinner! Even thou it took some time to get the temps stable, this pit never went over 260. At the end, with the vents open, pit hit over 300.
I did want to point out that the lid thermometer showed less than 10 difference (high) as compared to grate temp taken with an igrill 2. That was nice to see. No extra thermometer needed.

Did all of the above on 1 chimney of coals (7 hours). In my opinion, this puppy is a major keeper.

Anyone want to by a WSM?
Ribs look great.
Thanks for the write up, the tip about controlling the temp with the top vent and the use of only 1 chimney.

Post like this just keeps me wanting one.
looks good Mark !

I use a stainless steel pizza pan on top of the plate setter ( diffuser ) of my BGE to keep drippings off of the stone. The pan is about 1/2 inch larger diameter.

I used to cover the pan in HD foil and clean it between cooks but eventually gave up on that. The pizza pan is now 100 percent carbon coated.
looks good Mark !

I use a stainless steel pizza pan on top of the plate setter ( diffuser ) of my BGE to keep drippings off of the stone. The pan is about 1/2 inch larger diameter.

I used to cover the pan in HD foil and clean it between cooks but eventually gave up on that. The pizza pan is now 100 percent carbon coated.
Dan, is it an aluminum or steel pizza pan? I worried it would be too hot for the aluminum over time.
Dan, is it an aluminum or steel pizza pan? I worried it would be too hot for the aluminum over time.
I use one of these, guessing Dan might have something similar.

I use one of these, guessing Dan might have something similar.

Thanks Shane. I would need something more like 18” and have not been able to find it in SS at a reasonable price here in Canada. Bought a scrap piece of SS this week and might plan on making one.
I am glad the first cook in the new amazing grill went good. I learned the same thing about about temp controls in my Master Touch and my Aura Kettle Zone Cooking System. When doing low and slow, I leave the top and bottom vents wide open until I hit 180, then I close the bottom vent to barely open (aka the smoke setting) and control temps from the top vent. Once I learned that rule, locking in temps has been super easy. I can't wait to see more cooks, you better keep them coming!
Dan, is it an aluminum or steel pizza pan? I worried it would be too hot for the aluminum over time.
stainless. I bought the 14 inch and a 16 inch combo from ceramic grill store about 10 years ago. I use the 14 on my large BGE. I use the 16 to roast/smoke tomatoes and veggies on and its still shiny.

Thanks Shane. I would need something more like 18”

looks like the 18 is out of stock. I would call or email ceramic grill store and ask when they expect to get more. Maybe even ask to be notified when they are back in stock. I've bought a couple of things from them, but I'll mention that other egg heads rave about their customer service.
Thanks Dan. Those do look nice but I will have to wait until I go to the USA again as the shipping to Canada is usually about the cost of the item. I get stuff shipped to the in-laws for free and pick it up when we go visit.
Mark great job, good tip on controlling the temp with the top vent I also on my performer and UDS have always run the tip vent wide open. Certainly smoking having the vent on top wide open kind of ensures you don't get to much smoke in your meat did you find this to be the case in the E6 does not sound like it.
Congrats on the first cool!

I’ve had my Summit charcoal for two years this month, and out of my 10 or 11 grills, if I had to keep only one, it would be the one. Temps are more stable than a kettle, little more space which seems to always be needed, and can truly do ANYTHING!
Looks great, did you sear in the Kamado E6 also? If you did how was changing the temps for 250 to high heat for searing?

Hey you need to update you signature to include that need amazing grill. :summite6kamado:
Yes I did. While the tri-tip was resting, I opened up all the vents and let the temps come up. Then I reversed seared it.

When I reverse sear, I let the meat fully rest before searing. I have found that doing it this way the IT does not rise very much. Then I can slice and serve right away! I especially like the pink coast to coast…..

I have updated my signature….
Can you do a comparison of the Kamato and a performer? Because what comes out of these grills looks amazing, and if they are better at controlling temps I may have to start a seriuos search for one.

