I've never liked the WSM!



TVWBB Platinum Member
Two piece charcoal basket. It's a PITA to save fuel! All of my Mini-wsm's have a welded charcoal basket. Its easy to shake ash of unspent fuel to reuse. So I finally had enough and got out the grinder and welder and solved the problem. Not sure why I hadn't sone this sooner! Still have to do the 18, but the 14 is good to go now!


Works like a champ! Now I can fill the basket, light, snuff the fire, and shake off the ash!
Now, that's a good idea!
I just got my 18 home from its road trip from out of town. A wire tie connection might have to happen before its inaugural run!
Trying to decide what to do for the first run, any suggestions?
Now, that's a good idea!
I just got my 18 home from its road trip from out of town. A wire tie connection might have to happen before its inaugural run!
Trying to decide what to do for the first run, any suggestions?

Pork butt, it's pretty bullet proof and it will give you a feel on how to get the 18.5 dialed in.
Yea I used tie-wire on mine and it's held up for 8 yrs.
I did the double grate mod also, so when they eventually rust out it's easy to change and keep the ring.:)

The Weber charcoal grate will likely go (rust through) before the ring, so I'd be more likely to weld heavy gauge expanded metal. A bit of extra work up front by shaping the expanded to the contour of the ring, but should yield a great end result.
I never cease to be amazed at the level of creativity with some of you people! I might have some SSwire somewhere but, I want the zip ties!
It's the finding of the wire that will be more trouble! Tony, you've seen pictures of my garage!
My brother has been cleaning out his shop and garage, maybe he knows where his is!?
Where can you find any type of tie-wire?

Thought about doing this to my 14.5" WSM so I can remove the ring near the eight hour mark and shake the fire-inhibiting ashes out the base.
Thanks, Tony!

I wonder if local hardware stores carry re-bar tie wire by the foot? Don't need much.

Ace does, and regular re-bar tie wire is uncoated, just plain steel. That's what I used and it's held up since 08.
I have like 5 rolls in the garage use that stuff like duck tape:)
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