It's Lampe's Fault!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Rolf Jacobsen

TVWBB Emerald Member
Okay so it’s not really his fault but still……….
Since I joined this board, I’ve always wanted a “Pigvilion”. Who hasn’t?!?!I’m now retired so being on a fixed income, an umbrella is as close as I’m going to get. So off we go! We purchase an umbrella for the express intent of staying dry while grilling. We were “guided” to one that was on sale, (it had a stain @ $90.00). Well it rained tonight and we had “soup” instead of chops. At least it seemed like that. My first clue was Nancy laughing at me from inside the house as I told her, “How cool is this”? I had a hat on and didn’t notice the rain coming down on top of me. What little was there I assumed was the wind. There was no wind. The second clue came when it REALLY started coming down. An inspection of the inside of Wonder Umbrella showed water coming in FAST. The final clue came when the thermometer on the Performer went from 400F to around 180F. It’s pretty bad when your wife looks at the plated chops and asks if this is juice or water. A glass of wine with my wife and things didn’t seem so bad after all. Lampe, it’s still all your fault!

Rolf.... give me some time to "dig up" some photos of cooks BEFORE the PV....
you will NOT believe it!
Oh, and by the way, my eyes are DRY! ;)

ok... here you go Rolf...


this photo shows where the Pigvilion NOW is...


and cooking in 26 inches of snow... under MY umbrella!



this place (TVWBB) actually "pushed" me into having the Pigvilion constructed....
after sooo many years of cooking in the rain and snow and crappy weather... something had to be done.


year after year, day after miserable day, something was missing.



glad I did it!

here's to you Rolf!

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oh yeah... the next day after that cook....
woke up to this.



26 inches of blowing, drifting snow...



yep, having a Pigvilion or ANY out-of-the-weather place is good to have...
WOW to both of you GREAT guys =)
Rain, snow, wind -lets cook anyways. My hat is off to both of you.
Rome nor the Pigvilion were built in a day.
Sounds like the evening still turned out rather well!

I remember every one of those pics, and you deserve your PV!
Now Jim just so there's no misunderstanding, you of all people deserve the Pigvilion. And believe me when I say I can almost appreciate what you're talking about.

And I can certainly appreciate the effort it sometimes takes.....

BUT I"M BLAMING YOU ANYWAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
I'm with you Rolf. It's Jim's fault. I have an umbrella and an EZ-Up but NEED a Pigvillian. It ain't gonna happen. But then again, I've NEVER seen snow like that down here either. So...the EZ-Up will do.

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Great pictures and words gentlemen - what a fun post! Great way to start the day with a few laughs! (laughing with you guys, not at you!!!:cool: )

