Is there a trick to adding lit charcoal to the WSM?


Rick P

I did a couple of butts, on the 18.5" WSM. Total cook time was ~ 14hrs...yeah, these were stubborn pieces of meat.

At around the 11th hour, without even looking at what was left in the charcoal ring, I decided to add about 14 pieces of lit. I fashioned a scoop, with a piece of foil-covered cardboard. It worked, but it was awkward. BTW, there was still a decent amount of lit coals in the ring, when I added the charcoal. I probably could've gone close to the distance with this cook. Avg temp was ~ 250

Any tips? How do you add lit charcoal?
I have an old fireplace shovel that I picked up for $1 at a garage sale. I light a chimney in my kettle then shovel the lit coals up and place them through the door.
I lift off the lid and center section (handles are great!) and set them aside. Then I push all the remaining lit coals into a pile at the side of the charcoal chamber, and pour unlit beside and over them. This creates, in effect, a new Minion burn. If you do this quickly enough you don't lose too much heat, and it doesn't take too long to get back up to cooking temperature, if you use an ATC and no water, as I do.
It's pretty rare for me to have to add charcoal but it has happened. I usually take disposable aluminum pan and bend it into a chute.
I bought a short section of rain downspout from the hardware store for very cheap. Cut the ends open to make a chute out of it. It’s thin and flexible so you can bent and fold the ends to fit through the door just right. I can share a pic if needed.

