Josh Dekubber
TVWBB Diamond Member
I will definitely always run a gas grill for sure. It would be nice to try some other options just for fun. I have been waiting for a first generation performer to come up that's in decent shape and cheep or free. I have barely missed on a couple. I love my gas grills and I will never give them up.You could always start off with picking up a cheap kettle to see if it's something you might like. I grew up on food cooked on a Weber kettle, had I not been given a Weber gas grill as a wedding present I might still be cooking on one. I've always enjoyed the food I turn out on my gasser and you just can't beat the convenience. Every once in a while I look at buying a kettle but never pull the trigger on it. I don't know that it means anything other than I'm satisfied with my old grill.