I will just leave this here

I can’t pick it up. I am out camping this weekend and otherwise it is still a 2.5h roundtrip for me. Plus I don’t have any propane manifold left. NG does not sell very well where I live and I don’t want anymore NG stuff lying around. Yes I know these are just excuses. 😂 But I am not really interested in it.
Yah, if I was open to other than weber grills, it looks like a good flip imo. The grates are stainless rod and look very salvageable.
I picked up my second Gold B this spring. Weird, because I never had a chance at one before, now I have two. It was a curb alert and in decent shape except the side cross member of the frame next to the cookbox is rusted out pretty bad. I may wind up having to combine the two grills and parting out the rest of the other one.

I had a run on E3xx grills last spring after not having a chance at any of them previously. It seems my grill acquisitions tend to run in streaks like that. I am overdue for a big run on 1000's, I think. But, I already have 4 or 5 and someone dropped off a Silver B today for me to rehab. I sold one to his son last year. And I have two other customers looking for grills, so I really need to get to work. But, I just spent the last 8 days dealing with a family emergency out of town and have to go back in a couple days for who knows how long.

Spring has finally sprung up north and rehab grills are starting to pop finally and customers are biting.
Check out this quality Home Depot assembly.

I picked up this Spirit E210 Saturday. When loading I went to pull
out the grease pan, that clearly seemed be missing at first glance.
Upon further inspection, I found it INSIDE the firebox, under the burners.



I had to remove the burners to pull out the pan yesterday.
Not a fan of the front control grills. Much more difficult than the
old EW style.

