Steve Hoch
TVWBB Hall of Fame
Big difference, worth the effort in my book.
Yep, sounds about right.
Yeah, that cover is interesting.Looks like a 5000 with some missing glass. But wow! Check out that historic cover! I hope someone rescues it.
He may be "shooting" for $90 but $50 is probably more realistic.It is a Genesis 1000 and looks in pretty good condition, but not worth the asking price IMO unless you really want one for a personal rehab. Too much for a rehab/flip.
I don’t see very many of those, and I am always looking.
If it’s anything like my old Genesis 1000, it’s worth $90 in my opinion.
But to you that buy grills to resell, yeah it’s probably too much moola.
Yeah, looks like an an all Silver C grill with wood to me unless I'm missing something?saw this one on FB. Looks like wood used on a 2003 Silver C. He posted the tag with DT date code. I'm wondering if it s a multi-year mongrel.
You mean with Thermoset missing.
It might be a regional thing, but I don’t see these older Genesis grills often.there is an NG redhead Genny 1000 for $50 that hasn't moved in a couple of weeks. Grates and Flav bars look decent in the pics.
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