I will just leave this here

Cool! I definitely think you can adapt something (less fancy than a Napoleon stainless) for the charcoal grate. The cooking grate is what matters. Is yours stainless or plated? I am pretty sure the “little more” grate is stainless, so it should clean up nicely. Some of the rest the picture showed looks like just needing elbow grease.
Cool! I definitely think you can adapt something (less fancy than a Napoleon stainless) for the charcoal grate. The cooking grate is what matters. Is yours stainless or plated? I am pretty sure the “little more” grate is stainless, so it should clean up nicely. Some of the rest the picture showed looks like just needing elbow grease.
I am thinking plated as it looks rusty. It was suggested that I keep it but since I have a performer I don't see a use case. It is smaller than I expected. Kind of cute.
Bruce, I'm going to go out on a limb here and guess there's no shelf or bottom rails holding the sides together anymore, so that is actually a functional fix......assuming whatever that panel is made of isn't flammable! :) On a positive note, it probably has the natural gas manifold that Rick W was looking for! :)


