I will just leave this here

Says it is a "Mobile Grill" but I don't see a trailer hitch on it.

I seem to remember the Crown Verity brand being a Quality brand.
I never offer to fire it up, I just do it. I demo everything I sell. I want them to know that everything I sell works as described when it leaves my house. That way there is no possible disagreement down the road. It is funny how many people buy the sofas I sell just on looks. I make sure to encourage them to sit and try them out to make sure it is comfortable for them as I would never buy furniture without trying. I have had only 2 returns of all the things I have sold. One was an elliptical that a woman insisted on paying in advance, and picking up when I was not here. The other was a patio heater. Before coming I asked what kind of vehicle she had as I wanted to make sure it was capable of transporting an 8' heater. She said a PU truck. She came with a small SUV with another lady and kid in the back seat. Well they jammed that heater in and surprise it did not work when she got home. I demoed it working before she took the heater. Big argument and I finally took it back -$10 "restocking fee".
I did have one guy who wanted to see how fast it would get up to 500 degrees so we fired it up and let it go. It did fine and he was impressed. The problem is, when we tried to load it, it was too hot. He had an SUV and had to remove the lid and lay it on it's side. So, we sat around for 15 or 20 minutes shooting the breeze and drinking a coke until it cooled off. He was apologetic for not thinking about needing to cool it down, but it was all good. I had a good time talking grills before we loaded it up.
I have a written warranty I give to people for my mixers if they buy from me or I rebuild theirs. Funny though I have lost people who willingly pay more for someone's used machine with no guarantee to my fully warranted and rebuilt ones. But this lack of common sense is exactly why I try not to argue with people :D
Came across a couple of WI gassers online this morning.

Parts grill? Resto candidate? Either way it's still only $25:

Check out photo #8:
Good policy Larry not to argue with the customers. They likely figure you are some hack messing around with mixers and don't really know what you are doing simply because the machines are daunting to them.
Came across a couple of WI gassers online this morning.

Parts grill? Resto candidate? Either way it's still only $25:

Check out photo #8:
Brad, I don't see any reason the first grill wouldn't be a good restore candidate. It looks complete and in reasonable shape.
This is a beastly gas grill

That one is the “double” version of the one I restored for our small college in Florida. Theses Crown Verity grills - made in Canada - are all real stainless but very simple and aimed primarily at commercial users. That monster would need a Texas-sized gas field to keep it fed!
Came across a couple of WI gassers online this morning.

Parts grill? Resto candidate? Either way it's still only $25:

Check out photo #8:

A lot of sketchy parts, but that last one - well, I don’t know...It almost looks like a Weber has kettle that someone applied home made handles to. But I don’t see vents and there is not enough of the post to completely identify.
Yah, I would hope they built the surround to allow venting. I think that is a Spirit II. Why wouldn't they use a Genesis for a prototype?
Also, I am pretty sure the bottom cabinet is custom. There might not even be a cook box under that lid.
Bobby, that's a beat to hell ranch kettle that's in a custom cart. Judging from the leg mounts visible in a couple of the pics, its an early ranch kettle known as informally as the mothership.

See the middle grill in this photo:
Bobby, that's a beat to hell ranch kettle that's in a custom cart. Judging from the leg mounts visible in a couple of the pics, its an early ranch kettle known as informally as the mothership.

See the middle grill in this photo:
OH wow!!! Never knew about this model
Yah, I would hope they built the surround to allow venting. I think that is a Spirit II. Why wouldn't they use a Genesis for a prototype?
Also, I am pretty sure the bottom cabinet is custom. There might not even be a cook box under that lid.
I was thinking the same "why a Spirit and not a Genesis"? I do like the SS brackets they made for the cook box mount
Bobby, that's a beat to hell ranch kettle that's in a custom cart. Judging from the leg mounts visible in a couple of the pics, its an early ranch kettle known as informally as the mothership.

See the middle grill in this photo:
Learn something new every day. "mothership" that is great;-)
What an absolute mess. $350?? And missing the cooking grate that runs $200
to replace. Good luck with that one. I need to save that link and use it for
comparisons this weekend when I post up my 37" Whalen.
I wonder if even your friends at IPE could rescue that one.

