TVWBB 2-Star Olympian
Nothing is "off topic" in this thread.Off topic. This thread sure is looooooooooooong
Nothing is "off topic" in this thread.Off topic. This thread sure is looooooooooooong
Nothing is "off topic" in this thread.
It gives us something to talk about in-between talking about stuff.Off topic. This thread sure is looooooooooooong
He was really just trying to drive that point home!
It looks like a genny gold:
Yeah that's probably worth $20 and used as a parts grill. Nice that it's got a side burnerI was ready to jump on this, then I saw the second photo.
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I actually offered $20 if they didn't sell it and just want it gone. I had the same thoughts that the extra burner was worth $20 in parts plus some of the other stuff. I just don't get many of these without the bottom being totally rotted out. So having a bunch of parts and no bottoms doesn't work for me too well.
I just don't get many of these without the bottom being totally rotted out. So having a bunch of parts and no bottoms doesn't work for me too well.
Jon, just think if you could get SS sides and bottoms for those 2005 SS Platinum grills. No legs or frame to rot out. Truly a lifetime grill.