I can't believe it, but I found my Slow-N-Sear!


Jon Tofte

TVWBB 1-Star Olympian
Man, this is so embarrassing...


After I returned home from our 1st Annual Upper Midwest TVWBB Meet back in June, I could not find my Slow-N-Sear. I looked EVERYWHERE - or at least so I thought. I could only conclude that I left it behind. Other kind members who stayed until the end all said they didn't remember seeing it laying around anywhere. At long last, I gave up and ordered a replacement from Amazon, cashing in on some Discover points to help soften the blow.

More recently, SNS had a flash sale, and having always wanted TWO Slow-N-Sears I sprung for the $59 deal on the Deluxe version.

Well, I have recently STARTED to try and re-organize my garage and ultimately tackle the nightmare that my workshop has become as I have STUFFED it full of grill parts and half-finished projects. Among the junk is old paint I have been trying to dry out or waiting to dry out so that I could dispose of it. Tonight, I moved the boxes full of large paint cans and what do I find stuffed behind the box?


So now I have THREE Slow-N-Sears!!!! Not sure what to do with that many, but it is nice to know that my SNS didn't get left behind and swiped by someone not willing to turn it in to lost and found. Embarrassing for it to be buried for so long, but that is the punishment for my disorganization and hoarder instinctso_O. I am trying very hard to change. This is definitely a motivator!
Don't be so hard on yourself Joe, lots of people lose things and have trouble staying organized (myself included). I make up for my propensity to lose things by not remembering my mother-in-law's birthday ;)

Generally, I try to stay organized, and can do pretty well for a few weeks at a time, but then when things get just a little bit busy/hectic, thats when things go down hill pretty fast. I'm not sure what to do about that. I guess, I'll just have to refuse to give in to the "busy" and just refuse to break normal speed/protocol......
At 65, I've come to realize I have too much crap. I've attempted to dispose of things. My new partner in this is my gardener. He has garage sales and also a house in Mexico that needs most of what I have 2 or more of or things I havent used in a decade. I hope to last long enough to get this thinned down to a salvage yard sized pile.
Reminds me of my father in law. After wife and I bought our first house (I should preface he was a hoarder that would make any hoarder proud), we were in MN visiting him. And the other family members as well. I noticed a trimmer (weed wacker) brand new in a box at a great price tag. I asked him where he found it at such a discount. He then said.............you want it?" Thinking a "gift was coming my way" I say sure. He than tells me he bought it by mistake. He had bought one, lost it in the mess forgot he bought it and went out and got another. Then found the original he bought. Which was the one I saw. So he said for price on the box it was mine. Nope not a gift but it was a deal :D
I am just happy that this kind of thing happens to other people. I managed to put two bottles of “Mandarine Napoleon” someplace “that made sense” and proceeded to forget where they were. For a full year I had been looking for them. Last summer when we had a house guest and we went to the liquor store we picked up another bottle (it had been unavailable for about ten years in Michigan) since there was one on the shelf.
I was rummaging around putting some plants down in the basement for winter looked up and saw the bottles and I swear I’d looked on that shelf at least ten times! There they were just laughing at me! They moved to the regular liquor cabinet!
I am just happy that this kind of thing happens to other people. I managed to put two bottles of “Mandarine Napoleon” someplace “that made sense” and proceeded to forget where they were. For a full year I had been looking for them. Last summer when we had a house guest and we went to the liquor store we picked up another bottle (it had been unavailable for about ten years in Michigan) since there was one on the shelf.
I was rummaging around putting some plants down in the basement for winter looked up and saw the bottles and I swear I’d looked on that shelf at least ten times! There they were just laughing at me! They moved to the regular liquor cabinet!
I do the same thing - "I'll put this somewhere special, so I don't forget where it is" this is generally in plain sight. Then, I promptly forget where the heck I put it, and the search begins. Most of the time I do find it, but it's 10 minutes of frustration that I could do without. I should just start taping more things to my forehead 🤣
The condition of my work bench in the garage is a very accurate meter for what my stress level is at any given time. Jon you are not alone. I’m truly grateful that I don’t flip grills. Well, for money. I have one 1000 to do once the McMaster frame inserts arrive. Then I’ll just have to remember where I put the half cans of spray paint. (That last sentence is a bold faced lie. Lowe’s is closer than the nearest gas station. I’m definitely adding to the half can collection wherever it is.)
I've been cleaning out the place for a forthcoming move in 2024 and I'm amazed at the stuff I've been finding. Sadly most of it goes on the bye bye list, not taking much with me when I leave kalifornia
Cleaning out the garage and getting rid of a lot of junk is mentally restorative.
All day. For years I get yelled at for what is in the garage. That they cannot find. I tell them we have no room. Still my fault. So today I threw out everything that was mine. Yeah it will still be my fault somehow. But at least you guys will know.
Jon, that is great to hear. We felt so sorry when you posted you couldn't find it. We talked about it for a few days trying to remember if it was tucked/hidden somewhere we didn't look.

Please don't get rid of that "mess". The passion that you put into your restorations and franken-grill is outstanding.
Man, this is so embarrassing...


After I returned home from our 1st Annual Upper Midwest TVWBB Meet back in June, I could not find my Slow-N-Sear. I looked EVERYWHERE - or at least so I thought. I could only conclude that I left it behind. Other kind members who stayed until the end all said they didn't remember seeing it laying around anywhere. At long last, I gave up and ordered a replacement from Amazon, cashing in on some Discover points to help soften the blow.

More recently, SNS had a flash sale, and having always wanted TWO Slow-N-Sears I sprung for the $59 deal on the Deluxe version.

Well, I have recently STARTED to try and re-organize my garage and ultimately tackle the nightmare that my workshop has become as I have STUFFED it full of grill parts and half-finished projects. Among the junk is old paint I have been trying to dry out or waiting to dry out so that I could dispose of it. Tonight, I moved the boxes full of large paint cans and what do I find stuffed behind the box?

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So now I have THREE Slow-N-Sears!!!! Not sure what to do with that many, but it is nice to know that my SNS didn't get left behind and swiped by someone not willing to turn it in to lost and found. Embarrassing for it to be buried for so long, but that is the punishment for my disorganization and hoarder instinctso_O. I am trying very hard to change. This is definitely a motivator!
Congrats Jon!

