You got that right, Larry... Nothing like the sound and smells of a Kubota!! Although, in winter when I have the cab on, I sometimes get a little too much exhaust. When the wind hits just right it blows the exhaust right up inside from under the tractor. And of course this seems to happen right when you have a good roll of snow going and the little 3 banger is doing some actual work, making all the exhaust it can

. I'm thinking of taking out the downward turned pipe and putting on a little stack like the older ones had. Those blow the exhaust away from the operator - makes more sense to me.
I purposely got the 54 inch deck because my yard was too lumpy for the 60. Even the 54 "shaves" the lumps down sometimes. I use the Honda for the front and side yards because it has a bag and makes it look nice. The Kubota does the heavier stuff out back.
I'd be lost without my little Kubota. She plows the yard (snow), cuts the heavy weeds, and carries (or drags) all the heavy stuff for me. I have no idea *how* I made it so far in life without this fabulous machine. A couple of pictures... One with cab-on (moving the new washing machine) and one with cab-off moving a pretty heavy chunk of iron (antique air compressor crankcase). In the cab-off photo you can see the little heater I installed on the transmission tunnel.