home depot hardwood charcoal briquettes, $3 for 20lbs

Same price here in CA, Price tag said 4.99 but cash register had it a 2.99. My son took our van camping so I only had room for 5 bags in my car, but I'll be returning when he gets back.

At 2.99 it's a no brainer.

After 80 replies from all of you, I bought one today and am trying it for the first time tomorrow on some ribs and chicken.
Originally posted by Adrian Bermudez:
personally I don't like it, too much ash
It's a hard wood charcaol made from lump and pressed into briqs. I use lump for most every cook, and it produces a very light and fluffy ash but once you knock it down there's hardly any ash. First impression might look like a lot of ash but in reality it's minimal compared to Kingsford.
8 bags in my garage. $2.99 but it wasn't marked, I had to ask. It also wasn't on the floor. I had to ask them to bring a pallet down from the top rack - which they did very courteously.
I'm presently at 26 bags, which for me should surely be a years's supply. I hope they work a deal with HD after the promo to stock regularly. For me, its a nice compromise between lump and K briqs - I like it !

I knew there was a reason my in-law's live in St. Louis and I live in Kansas City (besides the obvious, that is)...

Had my mother-in-law pick up 15 bags of Rancher for me at $2.99 from the Home Depot in Town & Country.

The only down side is that now I have to go over to St. Louis and get them. Which probably means I'll have to stay for a while and visit...
I am offically sold from here on out. I used the R yesterday and it burned much more consistent and longer than the equal amounts of K. At $2.99/bag I can see why some of you guys have 20+ bags on hand. Guess where I am stopping tomorrow on the way to work?
Today I bought 4 bags of Rancher at $2.99/bag at the Home Depot in Salem, MA. They had almost a full pallet on the floor.
Originally posted by Bryan S:
I'm up to 12 bags and I haven't even used it yet. At $2.99 a 20, don't know how you can go wrong.
After you use it, you'll ask why you only bought 12 bags.

Not often you find superior quality couples with excellent price
I went last night to check the price. It is still $3.75 here. Still 3/4 of a pallet on the floor. About the same as it was last week when I bought 24 bags. I am going to get at least that much again when it drops to $2.99.
I wonder if Kingsford is listening to the great reviews we are all having using Ranchers? I'm hooked on Ranchers, and stocking up on it when I can find it. As longs as Ranchers is available, I won't be buying Kingsford, or any other brand. This is great stuff. It is charcoal the way it is suppose to work. Awesome stuff.
In Charlotte the rancher sign did not indicate the $2.99 price that rang up at the register...so I added a few more bags when I got them at the lower price. The store close to you may be marked wrong on display as well.
Jeff, you probably need to check at the register like Steve did? I went to my HD yesterday and bought 4 more bags at the sale price. It seems like it's a nationwide promo.
Originally posted by Jeff T Miller:
I went last night to check the price. It is still $3.75 here. Still 3/4 of a pallet on the floor. About the same as it was last week when I bought 24 bags. I am going to get at least that much again when it drops to $2.99.

Rancher comes from the Charlotte area. Where you aware of this product prior to the excitement of members here at TVWB?

Q'n, Golf'n & Grill'n.... too many choices!

