home depot hardwood charcoal briquettes, $3 for 20lbs

Four bags at Jer's house.
Didn't want to make a project out of it and get all they had, but I couldn't pass up a good deal either. I think I'll do a chuck roast this weekend (9 hour cook) and try this charcoal out.
Hi all,
I just picked up two bags this morning from HD, and fired up a chimney full. Definitely kicks up more ash than K, but seems to burn hotter. I'm grilling up a ribeye soon, we'll see how it goes. Can't beat the price @5 bucks a bag for 20 pounds! I either missed the sale, or it was not on sale in my area, D'oh!
2 Kettles
1 Genesis silver B

"Give a redneck a billion dollars
and all he'll want is a bigger grill."
-Jeff Foxworthy
I've been cooking with this charcoal for a couple days now, and I think that it kicks up too much ash for grilling, but maybe it will work out better in the WSM. I'll be trying it out with two butts in the morning.

I have to learn how to read better. I thought it said it was on til the 31st. I went last evening to find out it us back to $4.99. I went ahead and bought 2 as it is cheaper than K.

I poured 20 pounds into the magnum last night and cooked some butts. I had to go into work early this morning so I didn't get a chance to check on it early like I usually do. Long story short I normally throw several handfuls of unlit on in the mornings using K and normally the temp by noon using K is around 200. I went at noon to check and hopefull pull off the butts. First thing I did was check the temp and to my surprise it was at 250*.

I am impressed and I will be using this stuff on a regular basis. I can't wait til the next sale. I was checking for the amount of ash to compare to K. It was too hot I didn't get a good look. I will check here in a bit. From what I could see at noon it looked like it is signifigantly less ash than K. It should be out by now I will report back later tonight.
Originally posted by Jerry Pollard:
what kind of recipe do you have for doing a chuck roast? I would like to try this one.

Jerry - Do a search on this sight for pot roast. A guy named Kevin Taylor (Stogie) posted a link to his web sight with a couple of good recipes. Basically, I use the same rub as for brisket, cook for 6 hours at 250 and then foil for 3 hours at 250. If the roast is more than 3.5 pounds I'll go 4 hours in foil. Let it rest an hour and that's it - good eatin'.
Originally posted by Jeff T Miller:
I have to learn how to read better. I thought it said it was on til the 31st. I went last evening to find out it us back to $4.99.

For what it's worth, I did the same thing - I saw this at 9:15 the night of the 31st and bolted to HD only to find it was $4.99. I was surprised to find they had some - I've gotten into what's probably an odd habit of looking for new types of charcoal when going into local stores and hadn't seen any of this when I was there a week earlier. I went ahead and picked up 4 bags and was surprised when the check out clerk gave rave reviews about how much she liked the charcoal. I hope to try it over the weekend to see how it goes.
Scott H.,

I'm a Utah man myself living in California. I hope you don't mind but I borrowed the link from your avatar and updated my profile with it. I don't know if you pay for the hosting of the image or not, if it's a problem please let me know.

Good to see another Utah Man on TVWBB! Go Utes!!

Larry R.
Originally posted by Mitch:
They are still on sale for $2.99 at several HD's here in central NJ.

What HD's have them? I tried the one near me (in Edison) and they never heard of the stuff.
In my HD, I asked the clerk who was working the grilling isle. He had never heard of Rancher, but he went to take a look around and found it several isles over. I picked up four bags at 2.99. It has a very neutral aroma and works well in the WSM. You have to be careful when using it for grilling to avoid ash from kicking up when you open the lid.
Larry - No worries...glad you could use it and as you said, always good to meet another Utah Man!!!!!

I did a couple of tri tips this afternoon using the Rancher charcoal and quite liked it. These were the first tri tips I've done and they turned out very moist and were quite tasty (in addition to cooking comparatively quickly as well). Hopefully the local Home Depot will continue to stock Rancher and that it wasn't a one-sale deal.
Originally posted by David Lohrentz:
In my HD, I asked the clerk who was working the grilling isle. He had never heard of Rancher, but he went to take a look around and found it several isles over. I picked up four bags at 2.99. It has a very neutral aroma and works well in the WSM. You have to be careful when using it for grilling to avoid ash from kicking up when you open the lid.
I talked to a guy in recieving and he never seen it come in, I thought it was a regional thing until I saw the post by Mitch. I guess I'll have to do a tour of all the HD's in the region and see what I can find.

