I noticed that too Jon. I sent a message to the seller asking to confirm that what he's selling matches the picture. The ad also says that seven are available which also leads me to believe that he's passing the new ones off as old stock. I can't recommend buying one until it's confirmed by the seller. That's definitely way too much money for the newer version.That’s too rich for my blood. It also makes me a little suspicious that the ad contradicts itself saying “porcelain coated steel” in one place and “aluminum” elsewhere.
Thank you very much.Satin black in my opinion.
It's maybe not necessary but I like to. I enjoy all the big or little side projects of a restoration. I'm never in a hurry to finish and all my vintage restorations are done in the intention to Keep for myself. At least for now.I'm debating weather I should beautify these or notView attachment 105301
I feel the same way. They are gorgeous. This is the kind of dedicated craftsmanship I want for my new keeper glass door model and readily admit that I don’t stand a chance of pulling it off on my own. I just might have to box up my valves and send them to Josh along with all of my allowance money and a plea to help. Tommy likey!…they sure as heck won't look anything like Josh's