HeaterMeter v4.0 for RaspberyPi / Standalone

Very cool!

Thought you all may find it cool that there is currently a Google Glass app being developed to feed and display probe and graph info from the HeaterMeter to the device. A couple of developer buddies of mine and I were talking during the Big Android BBQ (I am the head chef for the event) and I was telling them how I wished I could use my Glass device to interact with my heatermeter. There is a preliminary build out, I will post it once I get permission that it's okay to do so.
Ok, static IP, wasn't expecting that.... I assume you have a SINGLE static IP (not a block of 8)?

When the Belkin connects to the SurfBoard what IP does it get (for the Belkin router itself). Is your entire internet connection ported over from the SurfBoard to the Belkin or is the Belkin just running on a NAT IP from the SurfBoard?
Ok, static IP, wasn't expecting that.... I assume you have a SINGLE static IP (not a block of 8)?

When the Belkin connects to the SurfBoard what IP does it get (for the Belkin router itself). Is your entire internet connection ported over from the SurfBoard to the Belkin or is the Belkin just running on a NAT IP from the SurfBoard? is the routers internal address and everything runs from the router. And I say static IP as in the last 6 years it has never changed, so I assume that is static not dynamic.

Can you access my heatermeter from the link in my last post? it is currently active.
No, cant load your HM page....

A few posts back you posted your routers port forwarding table, WHICH router was that from, the SurfBoard or the Belkin?
I CAN reach it on port 443 via but CANNOT when using - which would suggest to me that port 80 is blocked by your ISP or in your firewall or router. is the routers internal address and everything runs from the router. And I say static IP as in the last 6 years it has never changed, so I assume that is static not dynamic.

Can you access my heatermeter from the link in my last post? it is currently active.
Port 80 is most likely in use by the router itself (ie: the web server on the router that you use to configure the router)
Hey there, if you have a Google Glass device and would like to use it with the Heater Meter, I have a beta build of an app that will send data from the device to your Glass. You will have to sideload it using ADB, but it works very well. Send me a PM and I can get you the APK and instructions. It does require that your device be on a specific internal IP on your network. It does not work remotely as of yet. It does work off voice command, "Ok Glass, Cook Meat." Further development will happen as soon as I can get another heater meter put together and sent out to the dev friend of mine that is working on it.
I know this thread is dying already, but I just got my v4.0 built up last night and tested. Mouser is backordered on the 5V regulator and 10k trimmer for the LCD but those aren't required for operation as long as you run the rPi off it's 5V supply and can access the web interface. I have a party I'm smoking for Friday evening so that will be it's first real test though I plan on doing a test smoke without meat tonight once I get an adapter fabbed up to mount the blower to my UDS' valve.

Thanks to everyone for the development on this and great documentation.

When I try to explain to friends what it does, they don't get it for a bit but then it clicks and their jaw drops. Luckily with my background the build was pretty easy. I can solder fairly well (good thing too, couldn't find my fine tip and only had .063" solder to work with), have been an automation engineer (PID loops are fun in PLCs) and electrician (both Navy on subs and industrial), currently at IT manager at work, and am very mechanically inclined. I have a feeling a lot of you guys fall along those lines as well with some of you being experts in certain areas.

Now I need to get a case built up but will probably wait until my mountain biking friend gets one of his 3D printers back together after all the mods he just did. Until then, I'll just keep it in a Rubbermaid container probably.
Happy Pi day (3.14). Good to see heatermeter on the Pi now! I am in the process of ordering the parts and started with the Pi today. Any ideas of how to get a thermocouple so I can keep an eye on the firebox ? Need to read over 1000 degrees occasionally for my application.
I've been a looker for a while, tried to design my own, tried to design a 1 sided board for home etching .... I finally gave up as you have done a great job! I ordered 3 boards from OSH and am printing my own cases now.

I bought a Chinese knockoff of a MakerBot Dual for 3D printing, and have been highly impressed. Of course, the 1st two makes had to be the HeaterMeter case!!!! ;)

How do I post an Image??
Upload a picture to an image hosting site. A good one is called tiny pic, or something like that or you can if you have a Dropbox account you can use that and then copy the link to the picture that is given and using the picture upload button to paste the link.
I've been a looker for a while, tried to design my own, tried to design a 1 sided board for home etching .... I finally gave up as you have done a great job! I ordered 3 boards from OSH and am printing my own cases now.

I bought a Chinese knockoff of a MakerBot Dual for 3D printing, and have been highly impressed. Of course, the 1st two makes had to be the HeaterMeter case!!!! ;)

How do I post an Image??

Go to http://imgur.com/

Drag and drop your picture onto the site and click "start upload".

Click on the "Large Thumbnail" link on the bottom right.

Copy the "BBCode (message boards & forums)" link and paste it right into the forum ie:


Final product:

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