Heater Meter V4.2.3 build questions

It's a great board, I'm really happy with it.... Looking forward to getting a case printed up for it now....
As for parts, make sure you look over the stuff I wrote in this thread about the parts, there are some different resistors in this one that aren't on other HM versions, and there are more .1uf caps as well, and there are the smaller MOSFETS in there that aren't on previous HM versions, in addition to the 8 or so new components that Bryan had highlighted for me.
The problem is because the new firmware uses a different format for the debug log messages that isn't compatible with the linkmeter version you have. When HeaterMeter sends out a debug message it crashes the linkmeterd which causes you to "lock up" in that no web pages work after that (and won't work on reboot either because it just keeps crashing).

Someone posted about running into this problem with the latest release today, so we might have debug mode on again?
Gets me wondering, can I update my Linkmeter version so my HM wont end up DOA if I load a firmware with debug mode turned on? If so, what do I need to do?
Ralph, can you post a profile pic of the device so that I can see the top of the LCD and button cap in a horizon view.
OK, thanks... that's what I thought but I didn't want to assume and hose up my HM.... I just got it installed, everything seemed to go well...
Here are some profile shots of my HMv4.2.3, I think the ones from the USB end of the board will be most helpful to you...



Ralph, can you post a profile pic of the device so that I can see the top of the LCD and button cap in a horizon view.

Sorry, didn't have the button cap on in the photo's... It sticks up a bit more when the cap is on of coarse, if that's an issue I can redo the photos?
Actually, now that I look at it I think perhaps the contrast control may be an issue... It's up there pretty close to the face of the LCD, just about 1.5mm from the top of the contrast pot to the surface of the LCD. Maybe we should flip the assembly and put the LCD on top of the HM board instead of underneath? How thick do you go on the face of the HM cases?

Edit: I guess you could just make a shallow spot on the inside face of the case to accommodate the LCD contrast pot, seems easier to me than pulling this LCD off the HM board now that I am contemplating it... LOL If you think this is the way to go and need any dimensions from me just let me know. I think Bryan was trying to slim down the board set as much as possible on this version, if we can keep the LCD on the bottom side of the HM board and make it fit into a case it should work out to be quite slim indeed...
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Actually, now that I look at it I think perhaps the contrast control may be an issue... It's up there pretty close to the face of the LCD, just about 1.5mm from the top of the contrast pot to the surface of the LCD. Maybe we should flip the assembly and put the LCD on top of the HM board instead of underneath? How thick do you go on the face of the HM cases?

Edit: I guess you could just make a shallow spot on the inside face of the case to accommodate the LCD contrast pot, seems easier to me than pulling this LCD off the HM board now that I am contemplating it... LOL If you think this is the way to go and need any dimensions from me just let me know. I think Bryan was trying to slim down the board set as much as possible on this version, if we can keep the LCD on the bottom side of the HM board and make it fit into a case it should work out to be quite slim indeed...

This is actually going to be fine for what I am working on. I am trying to have the LCD fit into a socket that then places a bezel around the border so that all you see is the screen and none of the metal parts of the LCD. I think it's going to look cleaner, but we'll have to see.
Bryan, Ralph's board has the LCD offset 0.635 mm compared to the semi-final version that I am modelling, correct? If so, Ralph, I will be sending you a custom stl that only fits your board but it will be able to judge the fit of all the other components.
Bryan, I just put a Maverick 732 probe on ice and it went down to 22.1 degrees with rock solid temperature readings.... being the probes that like to drop off at room temperature this is outstanding performance! I'm loving how smooth the graphs are looking on this new board, I'm not looking at the noise monitor on my screen but I can tell from the graphs and lack of drop outs that the probe signals are much cleaner...

Here is the graph of the Maverick 732 on ice....


Edit: perhaps I should look into loading the noise monitor on my HM so I can see real data on how GOOD the probes are registering.... I think last time I tried I ended up crashing my HM and then shied away from it.... but I've got linkmeter11 installed now, and have loaded a few packages so perhaps I can get it done this time..... If this info will be helpful to you please refresh me on what/how to install....
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Yes the LCD on that board is 0.025" closer to the front edge of the board. The left screw hole is 0.75" from the left side of the board however the screw hole in the v4.2.4 is the same distance, but the left edge of the board is expanded to left 0.025" so the screw hole moves with it.
Bryan, I just put a Maverick 732 probe on ice and it went down to 22.1 degrees with rock solid temperature readings.... being the probes that like to drop off at room temperature this is outstanding performance! I'm loving how smooth the graphs are looking on this new board, I'm not looking at the noise monitor on my screen but I can tell from the graphs and lack of drop outs that the probe signals are much cleaner...
Golly. That's... unexpectedly good performance. How accurate is that temperature?
Bryan, Ralph's board has the LCD offset 0.635 mm compared to the semi-final version that I am modelling, correct? If so, Ralph, I will be sending you a custom stl that only fits your board but it will be able to judge the fit of all the other components.

OK, awesome, thanks! I will print it up right away and give you feedback on how it works out.
Bryan, Ralph's board has the LCD offset 0.635 mm compared to the semi-final version that I am modelling, correct? If so, Ralph, I will be sending you a custom stl that only fits your board but it will be able to judge the fit of all the other components.
Send it to me too! I have one as well with these dimensions, and if you're going to make a case for it I'll print one and give it away as part of the 4.2 release party.

