Just some suggestions based on 4.1 then
Thank you for the update. So I'll just wait until it is released and, if you're interested, give you my thoughts about the PCB design then. Last night, I looked into the 4.1 design and founnd something I've never done before: The two ground planes are (mostly)only connected using the mounted parts. In my designs, and especially in the analog parts, I use vias to nail down the ground planes around signal lines. One of my customers did some intense testing with and without "nailing down" boards and found the nailed down version to behave better both in signal quality and resistance from external influence.
Also I read about your problems concerning k-type probes when being barefoot and touching the probes. Using a decoupled transformer would most certainly help, but maybe there is another solution. As I'm using k-type probes in my current Pitmaster project, I don't want to miss the almost instantanious updates on temperature readings using these probes ;-)
Then another thing: Please add a 100nF ceramic condensator between VCC and GND of the µC (and any other ICs or piggyback boards). It helps both the µC and the rest of the electronics as µC tend to produce current peaks which, if not compensated, will influence analog circuits.
The Pins 24 and 13 are unused right now? Please add a testpad to them or assign them (with an optional resistor in the line) to the RJ45-8(JP2) connector so they are not wasted and can be used as additional Alarm outputs or switch inputs or or or...
I really hop I'm not getting on your nerves, they are only suggestions, and I really don't want to tell you how you schould do your job (which is actually a great one!), so if your not interested, just tell me.
One last question: I read about a rf-transmittor for rotissory. Minimeter or something like that. Any Idea where I can find that?