I have a question on how Harry adds his wood chunks to his charcoal. He states he adds his wood chunks at the bottom of his grate on the outside near the charcoal ring. I would think that the the meat being cooked has already cooked for awhile before the wood ignites. Isn't it best for the meat to take on the smoke at the beginning of the cook? I wrap my meat and would think that the by the time the wood ignites it would be impossible for the meat to take on any smoke since the meat is already wrapped. Am I missing something?
As an aside, I feel like my meat is to smokey when I add the wood to the lit at the beginning of the minion method. Should I let my wood burn for awhile before adding my meat? I like Harry's method for the minion and I am able to control my temps easily but would like to limit the smokiness on my meat
As an aside, I feel like my meat is to smokey when I add the wood to the lit at the beginning of the minion method. Should I let my wood burn for awhile before adding my meat? I like Harry's method for the minion and I am able to control my temps easily but would like to limit the smokiness on my meat