Happy Birthday Brisket



TVWBB 1-Star Olympian
Two more years, and I retire!

I cut the flat and saving it for another day. I put it on at 11PM last night thinking it wouldn't be done until noon> It was done at 7AM, LOL I guess a 5+ hour rest won't hurt :)





Carved / Plated photos to follow. Have a great weekend! Happy birthday to me, you wouldn't want to be as old as me.... (rhymes sorta)
Looks awesome!! I always want to a brisket when I see them! Happy Birthday!!

2 more years!! Good for you! I have six and I can’t wait. Just trying to make sure I enjoy the now and don’t get to caught up looking ahead.

Put together a nice little plan many years ago and it’s all panning out. Well was😆, I don’t stress on the 401anymore and have actually learned to stop looking, but let’s get this thing back on track.
Happy Birthday Chuck! I retired just before the pandemic started, like a month before. So after 2 and a half years I still don't miss working, just the people I worked with!
I know what you mean. I left 4/3/20 at the beginning of the pandemic. I worked with most of the people there for 37 years, it’s weird not seeing them every day. But I’m so glad I left!
Happy Birthday Chuck! Mine was yesterday!
Duane, I have had a sticky sitting in front of me for a few weeks. It said " 6/3 Duane Mac-Birthday. Did I remember it yesterday? NO!!!!!!! soooo

HAPPY BELATE BIRTHDAY DUANE!!!!!! Hope it was a good one!!
My daughter made my favorite drink

Present for my office

It rained on my parade

Tasty Treats


One of my favorite wines


Brisket Time




My plate

That's my bride's world famous spicy Slaw

Pumpkin is not impressed, she likes BBQ Chicken

Thank you for the birthday wishes, it was a great day. My wife made Hula Pie, I'll post a picture a bit later
Happy belated birthday Duane
:ROFLMAO: Love your new glass!!!!!

Looks like both you birthday guys ate just GREAT!!!!!! on your birthdays!!!!!
Happy Birthday, Chuck - looks like you did it up right!(y)

But cut out the retirement talk. I'm getting pretty tired of you lazy old people taking my Social Security dollars.;)

