Grilled Lemonade


Jim Lampe

TVWBB 1-Star Olympian
start with 5 lemons, slice four in half...


fire up a grill to medium/high heat, I used the ol' Smokey Joe


dip the cut side in sugar then act goofy


place the lemons cut side down, cover the grill and let'er rip for bout 20 minutes er so...


check'em if you like...


when they looked like this, i figured they were done.


lettem rest bout 5 er so minutes before straining them using a fine mesh strainer.


drop the juice in a big pitcher then add 4 cups of clean water and a cup a sugar and slice up your last lemon
toss it all into that pitcher. If your gonna drink it right away, add a buncha ice too.
I made this yesterday for today, so i didn't have any yet, but a small sample. It's pretty dang good
AND I'll be making it again.


Thanks for swingin' by! drinking-beer.gif
I like the idea of the grilled lemonade, maybe as a mixer. Have to give that a try.
Jim I know you're a charcoal / wood smoking guy, but I never would have guessed that you owned a Smokey Joe, nothing wrong with that we have one too and it's great for small cooks. But with all your big grill stuff just caught me off guard. 🙃
thanks for the nice words everyone :)
Rich, if i cook on the SJ once a year, it's a lot.
This was 3 weeks ago:
I use it to start the chimney for smokes in the WSMs if i don't use the JJGeorge torch
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