Grill Rescue Brush

This is something I have been dealing with since last spring. I figured it was just one of those things and it would just go away. But after about three months, I went in and they prescribed physical therapy. That made it worse if anything. So, next was an X-ray which showed possible problems so they set me up for an MRI which I had a couple weeks ago. I got the letter with the surgeon notes and it was basically greek to me but it didn't sound good. It is like a guy cussing you out in spanish. You catch about 1/10 of the words and don't know what he said, but you know it wasn't good. I did catch "Arthritis, bone spurs, degenerative, advanced etc... And now I have an appt on the 19th with Orthopedics. I assume they have english speakers and will and tell me exactly what is wrong and what my options are. Good thing is that it is my left shoulder, bad thing is that I really value my left shoulder, almost as much as my right shoulder. Probably the best part is that I have a whole winter to let it rest before the grill rehab season begins again up here.
Sorry to hear about your issues and your less than great experiences with modern day health care:mad:. Well, I am glad along with you that this comes at a good time for taking it a little slow. From the weather reports we get down here, it sounds like your door will be frozen shut for the next while anyway!

Seriously my friend, we will all be pulling and praying for your full recovery. Get a good translation if needed and then do what the docs say. We want you all mended by spring, whenever that finally gets to Wisconsin:o.
Yeah I really don't wanna complain about minor day health care. And I certainly don't wanna complain about the VA health care that I've been afforded. Especially in the last 10 years or so. I am very thankful to have it. I am just gonna wait and see what they say next week and not worry about it up until then. I appreciate the well wishes.
I saw these at Harbor Freight, $18.95 for all. Worked just fine cleaning the grill grate with a nice long handle on a few of them.
Just my 2 cents.


For the really cheap among us (and I am one) a dollar store dandelion weeding tool works pretty well, and leaves you $17.95 to buy beer. 😁
My cleaning may seem cruel to you, but it's effective! I have a Karcher car wash. When it comes to cleaning, I just put everything in the backyard and under the pressure of water, I treat it all with detergent. It takes minutes, unlike when I do it all in my sink.
Yep, modern day medicine is amazing but, also frustrating!
I’m sure the diagnosis will find that you just need to take the winter off and keep warm!
Boy isn't it though. Hope all goes well Bruce. Those tools could be good grate scrapers but might need modification for more tightly spaced (good) grates. :D
Bruce if you need any help with translation I've been a health care professional for almost 40 years. I'm a manager now but still can speak the lingo.

My wife had a major shoulder surgery a few years ago and did well with it. Hopefully that's the case for you as well.
Greg, I was looking around for the letter last night and cant find it. I also went on line and checked my VA, account and it wasn't posted there yet. If I do find it, I will contact you. Appointment is a week from today.
I had a tumor removed a couple years ago, I got a CPAP last year, hearing aids last month and now this. I guess I better start making nursing home reservations at this rate.:)
Has any one bought one of these Little pricey. Looks like the Grill Rescue brush might be made of fire hose or fire fighters clothing material.

With the paranoia on bristle brushes, I would like to search for safer alternatives. I've used a ball of foil and water to steam clean PE CI grates with pretty good results, followed with a wipe down with veg oil on a paper towel before grilling to pick up any stray material.

I'm considering an Alpha Grillers Grill Brush SS Bristle Free Brush w/scraper off of Amazon that also uses water to steam clean CI & SS grates.

Just curious what you all use since everything is dangerous these days. The black helicopter with "The Chicken Police" and Clorox bombs is always over my house when I'm cooking chicken. "Don't wash that chicken! Don't wash that chicken!" :mad:
Do not buy this rescue brush! I bought this and it has no hanger to hang ! The company wants to charge you $10 for the hanger part!
Also they will not take back the grill brush if you use it once!
Do not buy this product!!!
New Bruce is like seriously POd about not having a hanger on his brush....registered just to post that 8 mos after the thread was dead. Bruce-does it work? If it does, we can probably figure out a way to rig a hanger ;)
He's not the first white knight (okay, troll) to do something like that. There was a fine gent who posted up a rant about iGrill's lack of Bluetooth range in exactly the same fashion.)
Good luck with the shoulder. I hope your trip to Madison is productive and you get to make that side trip. I have a friend who over 2 years had both shoulders replaced. Lots of PT which he said was a bit*h.
Dan, the shoulder is much better. It took a cortisone shot and couple months of rehab. It isn't 100%. Never will be and eventually something more invasive will have to be done with it. But, at least it letting me do my rehabs right now.
Dan, the shoulder is much better. It took a cortisone shot and couple months of rehab. It isn't 100%. Never will be and eventually something more invasive will have to be done with it. But, at least it letting me do my rehabs right now.

That definitely beats going under the knife! Hopefully, shots every so often will keep the surgeon away. Doing the exercises on the passed out sheets will kick that can even further.

