Green Chili Cheeseburgers


John Solak

TVWBB 1-Star Olympian
Tossed some 80/20 Ground chuck burgers on my Lodge CI griddle. After the flip added some chopped up Hatch Chiles too.

Finished the burgers indirect. Added Provolone cheese to 3 of them and Mexican blend on the other.

Topped mine and my Wife's burger with the green chiles.

Served on a Ciabatta bun with lettuce and tomato, tater tots on the side
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Burger and tots look delicious. Always wanted to try a green chili burger. How did you prep the chili's if you don't mind me asking?
Burger and tots look delicious. Always wanted to try a green chili burger. How did you prep the chili's if you don't mind me asking?

A friend of mine gets them for me when he goes and visits family in New Mexico. They are already fire roasted frozen and prepackaged when I get them. I just have to thaw them out and remove the seeds and skins.
Now that's what I call a great burger! I use green chiles in a lot of cooks but never tried it on a burger.
Good looking burgers, there!

I roasted and froze some Hatch green chilies last summer. They lost a lot of their flavor by the time I used them. I think it was because they were stored in zip lock bags. Since then, I have purchased a Foodsaver and am waiting for the "season" in eager anticipation.
John that is one awesome burger. Like the green chiles idea will give that a try on the next burger we do.

