Kyle in Woodstock
Lately lots of grills have been popping up for sale on Facebook Marketplace. Yesterday morning I was all set to purchase a brand new black colored Performer Premium for $150. The Premium is the non-gas assist version. I checked FB one last time just in case other options were available. And what do I find?! A Crimson new gen for sale, the Deluxe model with gas assist. It's an AH serial number, so it's the first year of the current generation Performer. Though the side table isn't SS, it is a nice metal table and it has the gourmet grate. Plus it sits much taller than the older gen, which is better for me being 6'2". Lid and bowl in excellent condition, no dings or rust spots.

It came with a Weber cover that's about a year old, a searing grate, 4 small bottles of propane, charcoal bins, two bags of wood chunks and a new bag of Cowboy lump charcoal. I bought it from an elderly couple. They said they enjoyed the grill, but had to buy a gasser because lifting the charcoal bag was getting too difficult.
I already have a SS Performer, but it's black and I've always wanted a kettle in any color other than black or green. I'm cleaning up my SS and selling it. Hoping to sell it and recoup most of the $150 I spent on this one. Going to fire it up tomorrow, can't wait!

It came with a Weber cover that's about a year old, a searing grate, 4 small bottles of propane, charcoal bins, two bags of wood chunks and a new bag of Cowboy lump charcoal. I bought it from an elderly couple. They said they enjoyed the grill, but had to buy a gasser because lifting the charcoal bag was getting too difficult.
I already have a SS Performer, but it's black and I've always wanted a kettle in any color other than black or green. I'm cleaning up my SS and selling it. Hoping to sell it and recoup most of the $150 I spent on this one. Going to fire it up tomorrow, can't wait!