Good Bye 320



TVWBB 1-Star Olympian
Happiest day of my life, getting rid of my 320 - have had this sucker for five years and hated every minute of it. My daughter moved into an apartment and all she can have is a gas grill, so she calls me and says "dad, do you have an extra gas grill I can have." I almost cried with joy. The deal is on one condition....Even if she moves back in, the BBQ is not welcome


Got it all cleaned up and running real nice, soon as my son gets home with the truck..................It's outta here

Went online to the home depot and just pulled the trigger on a Genesis S330 with the grill cover and two LED Grill-out handle lights. Should have it next weekend :)

I still have the baby "Q" and probably will forever, I like it. Always hated the 320, been wanting to get rid of it forever, lol
ChuckO, the sacrifices we make for our kids. You are a true humanitarian and a great dad. She is blessed to have you.

Oh, and you came out of the deal way ahead. Congrats.
Why did yours always look so sooty?? I own a Q300 and a 320 and have never achieved that patina on the outside of either Q!!! For the price, i sure get a lot of use out of these Q's and thanks to Phil Hartcher, I have learned to cook some incredible meals with these grills. I also have a Q220 in the rv, but the Q300 series with the two burners is much more versatile with far better heat control. I am slowly rebuilding a 3 burner Genisis, but there will always be a place on the patio for a Q. I'm sure your daughter will love the gift and get loads of use from your old Q.
That's probably one of my biggest complaint with the 320 (and all the Q's) and that's the vents dumping out the sides and not the back. It makes for a huge mess, tables are always dirty and the smoke circles back and grimes out the top. Me and the 320 just never came to terms. I'm so looking forward to the S330. First thing I'm going to do is cook a couple beer can chickens indirect (just run the left bank or right bank depending where I choose to put the chickens) I have yet to get crispy chicken skin except on my old gasser that had the right/left separate banks. Rock and Ling Cod season is starting now and Halibut season is not too far off, and this year I have time to go fishing. Gonna be lots of grilled fish in 2016 :)
Well it looks like you and your daughter will both be happy. Congrates on the S330 that's a great grill. I have an older E320 that I just love, it's held up great and cooks really well.
Well it looks like you and your daughter will both be happy. Congrates on the S330 that's a great grill. I have an older E320 that I just love, it's held up great and cooks really well.
I'm stoked and can't wait to get it. I told Home Depot that Lowes will give me 10% off if I open an account with them and buy it through them. Home Depot him & hawed, trying to take the angle "we'll assemble it for you." I'm all "hell no you'll assemble it, I'll assemble it." It went back and fourth and finally they said they would give me a $50 Home Depot certificate. I have to admit I'm more of a Home Depot guy than Lowes, I took the offer. Besides, Lowes is $20 more, LOL (I didn't tell them that)
Genuine thanks ChuckO for your views on the big Q. My Genesis 5000 I restored was acquired from a Weber fanatic who had 'gone over' to WeberQs, and had three of them. His wife put her foot down ("you have too mant grills- get rid of one") so he got rid of the 5000 (???????) as he was not using it at all, cooking everything on the Qs.

But the Qs just do not float my boat. (Too much plastic??) I must admit I have not used one.

Enjoy that S330!
The "Qs" are fine cooking machines. Honestly I have none of the "issues" it cooks like a champ and is a great "go to" grill when it's too stormy outside I can use one of my Qs in the garage. I just use a fan to blow out the smoke
The "Qs" are fine cooking machines. Honestly I have none of the "issues" it cooks like a champ and is a great "go to" grill when it's too stormy outside I can use one of my Qs in the garage. I just use a fan to blow out the smoke
you'll be happy to know I no longer have it and won't bad mouth them anymore since I don't believe talking bad about something you don't have
I too owned a Q320 and also got rid of it. For years we camped and used a Q120 with great results. I thought the Q320 would be just as good only bigger. I guess it was but my cooking needs at home outgrew the Q320 real fast not enough room in any dimension, especially under the lid.

I picked up an older Platinum 1200 NG for $40.00, tore it town, a little cleaning, a little painting, a few hundred $$$ in new Weber parts and it's as good as new. Cooks like a dream.
I'll take a Q any day!

I love it for its efficiency. Any Q will cook and retain heat as well as any other gas grill, while only using 1/3 of the propane.

But then again, I'll take any Spirit/Genesis/Summit also!
I love my 320, I cook lots of veggies on it. Any meat I cook goes on the kettle because I love charcoal but the 320 grate is perfect for veggies and garlic bread.
The 320 is getting some good use. My daughter has been out of the house now for maybe six months. She's done all kinds of chicken on it, several salmons and tilapia filets. She's enjoying much, and she's the envy of all her neighbors, most of them can't cook on their BBQ's as good as her. I picked her up a stone and one of these days I'm going to drop by with pizza dough and toppings, to give her, her toughest challenge. Pizza (truth be known, the big "Q's" make some very good pizza) but you didn't see me saying anything nice about them
Tell your daughter to quit eating Tilapia. Do some research on this trash fish and you'll see why. Also to be very mindful of where her fish/seafood comes from. Stay far away from stuff coming out of places other than Europe, Canada or the USA
Tell your daughter to quit eating Tilapia. Do some research on this trash fish and you'll see why. Also to be very mindful of where her fish/seafood comes from. Stay far away from stuff coming out of places other than Europe, Canada or the USA
There's nothing wrong with Tilapia, but yes we only buy food from USA, Canada and Mexico (tomatos, limes, even some beef)

An article from the Mayo Clinic about Catfish & Talapia:

Nutrition-wise blog
Catfish and tilapia: Healthy or harmful?
By Jennifer K. Nelson, R.D., L.D. and Katherine Zeratsky, R.D., L.D. July 17, 2008
Recipes for Healthy Living

There's an interesting discussion in this month's "Journal of the American Dietetic Association." What it boils down to is this: Is the fatty acid mix in catfish and tilapia healthy or harmful? The debate has even reached the popular press. Why all the fuss?

First off, since 2000, catfish and tilapia rank as two of the most popular fish consumed in the United States thanks mainly to their taste and relatively low expense. And both contain heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids.

Consumption of these types of fatty acids is thought to be associated with reduction in blood pressure and reduced risk for certain cancers, inflammatory conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis, and even mental decline.

You may not have heard so much about a second ingredient they contain, omega-6 fatty acids. Like omega-3s, these are polyunsaturated and help lower blood cholesterol levels, however they are thought to play a role in clotting function, are inflammatory and susceptible to oxidation — thereby possibly increasing risk for blood clots, arthritis, inflammatory bowel disease and cancers.

The National Institutes of Health funded study by Weaver and colleagues looked at the favorable omega-3 fatty acid content and unfavorable omega-6 contents of commonly eaten fish and found that while catfish and tilapia contain both, they contain a high amount of unfavorable omega-6 fat.

They report that a 3-ounce portion of catfish or tilapia contains 67 and 134 milligrams respectively of the bad fat (the same amount of 80 percent lean hamburger contains 34 milligrams, and bacon 191 milligrams).

Does this mean you should give them up? No! The rebuttal by Harris is in the same journal. He says the logic of judging fatty fish by the amounts of omega-3 and omega-6 fat contents is flawed. Governmental and professional organizations haven't used such a ratio for years.

He also says that to think that eating catfish or tilapia — because of its high omega-6 content — is more risky in terms of heart disease than eating bacon or hamburger is "flawed."

My take? I'm going to continue to eat fish — at least twice weekly. I'm going to choose a variety of fatty fish — including tilapia and catfish along with others especially high in the good fats such as salmon, tuna and mackerel.

P.S. When you see this on the evening news you can say that you got the scoop here.


Jennifer K. Nelson, R.D., L.D.

Katherine Zeratsky, R.D., L.D.
I know there is nothing wrong with Tialpia. It's not the fish it's that the major source of the fish in this country is produced in 3rd world countries and raised on sewage. FWIW I have yet to see Tialpia for sale that was raised in either USA, Canada or Europe. So if your daughter has found a source of it that's good because as a fish species it's a very good eating fish. But as for how it is sold here in the USA it is trash and dangerous. Hence it will never touch my lips or those of anyone I love and care for unless I find a good source. Here in the Heartland I have yet to find that source

