TVWBB 2-Star Olympian
As many here know, one of my favorite things to do is get out to hike in the woods along the Kishwaukee River about a mile from my home with my best bud (my grandson Blake). Sometimes we take a fishing rod or 2 and sometimes not. Yesterday we did not. But oh boy did we have an adventure!
As the photos show we live in an especially scenic part of the area and we lit out on a pleasant hike. Somewhere down the line we took a trail that was new to me, but I figured it would certainly lead to a marked trail that would bring us back to the river and we would find our way back. (Up to this point the theory has always worked LOL). But, NOT yesterday. The trail continued to loop and kept fooling us. So what was planned as a one hour or so hike became a little (shall we say) concerning. So much so that by the time we were out there not finding the main trail again after something like 3 miles of very rough trail and about 2.5 hours I decided it best to swallow my pride. I called the Winnebago County Forest district to see of they had a way to track my GPS decision. She suggested the non emergency number of Winnebago Sheriff. The officer that answered was very nice and assured me it was nothing to be embarrassed about. He was able to see my coordinates but suggested I call him back on 911 so he could actually track my cell phone location. He sent out 3 deputies who by using squad car horns and then sending 2 deputies who also were able to track and see my coordinates through the 911 deputy's feed got to my location. We had to hike out through quite a few brambles and thorn bushes (my cut up legs tell that story. It turns out I was close to a mile north of where I thought we were.
he deputy was kind enough to take us back to the car, we had a great laugh and conversation and he assured us there was nothing he would rather be doing since having a positive thing in his day made his job worthwhile. A huge shout out to Winnebago County Deputies for their help. It truly was quite the adventure
It was still a very fin afternoon with incredible views though
Also attaching a photo from a few days ago of one VERY happy little boy after getting his first fish from the Kish. Yeah it was small but it made him VERY happy and the smile tells it all.

As the photos show we live in an especially scenic part of the area and we lit out on a pleasant hike. Somewhere down the line we took a trail that was new to me, but I figured it would certainly lead to a marked trail that would bring us back to the river and we would find our way back. (Up to this point the theory has always worked LOL). But, NOT yesterday. The trail continued to loop and kept fooling us. So what was planned as a one hour or so hike became a little (shall we say) concerning. So much so that by the time we were out there not finding the main trail again after something like 3 miles of very rough trail and about 2.5 hours I decided it best to swallow my pride. I called the Winnebago County Forest district to see of they had a way to track my GPS decision. She suggested the non emergency number of Winnebago Sheriff. The officer that answered was very nice and assured me it was nothing to be embarrassed about. He was able to see my coordinates but suggested I call him back on 911 so he could actually track my cell phone location. He sent out 3 deputies who by using squad car horns and then sending 2 deputies who also were able to track and see my coordinates through the 911 deputy's feed got to my location. We had to hike out through quite a few brambles and thorn bushes (my cut up legs tell that story. It turns out I was close to a mile north of where I thought we were.
he deputy was kind enough to take us back to the car, we had a great laugh and conversation and he assured us there was nothing he would rather be doing since having a positive thing in his day made his job worthwhile. A huge shout out to Winnebago County Deputies for their help. It truly was quite the adventure
It was still a very fin afternoon with incredible views though
Also attaching a photo from a few days ago of one VERY happy little boy after getting his first fish from the Kish. Yeah it was small but it made him VERY happy and the smile tells it all.