Getting Lost

It's also an excellent river for tubing as long as you stick to the north branch by putting in at Cherry Valley and going to Espenscheid FP, Kishwaukee River FP, or Atwood Park (and I see there are some other preserves that've been created since I moved away). Many years ago ('82-83?) I convinced some friends that we needed to try tubing the south branch and we not only grossly underestimated the time needed but had to deal with fences as well. And to top it off, after we got out of the river by climbing up the concrete bank under a bridge I hit a deer with the car on the way home. It was strictly north branch after that.;)
I used to see kids jumping off the Perryville Rd bridge into the river. Now they have a 10' chain link above the bridge to stop that. Brad there is what looks like an old RR bridge at Blackhawk that takes you over the river before you get to the main blacktop walk/bike path. Do you know if I can find out somewhere if this was an old RR right of way?
I'd start by asking the CV library if they have some old maps you can look at, and if they can't help I'd check with the Rockford library:

Yep, the Perryville bridge was where we climbed out at dusk at the end of that long day.
DOH!😖 I can't believe I didn't remember the Illinois Railway Museum as a source until now:

A trip out to Union would be a great day for you and Blake next summer.
I used to take the girls there when they were little and the Wild West place. Oddly when I have offered Blake time to go to RR museum he kinda gives me the MEH look. I think he'd like it though but he doesn't get enthused. So far he really loves exploring fishing spots on the Kish. And I like that because it's cheap. And really close. And there is so much river front to explore from easily accessible places.

