Flat Fe Steak+Au Corn+Spud in Al Foil


Bob Correll

R.I.P. 3/31/2022
Just me and the pooch last night.
Beautiful evening, sitting on the deck with Cardinals baseball on the radio, sipping on a cold one, grilling a flat iron steak, oiled potato on a bed of salt in aluminum foil, and an ear of golden local corn.
Camera at ready.

Brooke the Lab let out a growl which seemed different than a cat spotting growl.
I arose in time to see this fawn in our yard, and get a grab shot.

Onward to the cook.






Excellent meal, excellent evening, with my excellent non talking companion!
And the Cards beat the Royals 11 to 4!!

Have a great weekend boys and girls!
Déjà vu.... i was just thinking..."Wonder what Bob cooked for dinner last night..." then low & behold, up pops this post!
Great photos again robert!! butt ya coulda had venision today hadcha ..... well...

Yep, you're right, everything looks EXCELLENT!!
Well: "Beautiful evening, sitting on the deck with Cardinals baseball on the radio, sipping on a cold one, grilling a flat iron steak" Can you beat that? And i love the lense you have on that camera.

And the Food is Money! Quality as always!
Excellent cook and photos Bob! Those steaks look a lot better than my plain sirloin
. I will keep an eye out for these steaks and give them a shot. And oh yeah, didn't do well in chemistry (C3H5(ONO2)3 so had to Google "Dynamite".
Where is that periodic table when I need it?

Great looking food and photos, Bob! I love flat iron steaks. Yours looks perfect!

Nice looking wildlife too!

