Fire Starters - what are you using?

I recently bought some of the Royal Oak Tumbleweed starters and I like them.
Weber was the ones I always used but as mentioned above they where kind of of a pain to use /work with.
Mute point tho because I now have a performer with gas assist.
Life just got easy!
Mute point tho because I now have a performer with gas assist.
Life just got easy!
My Weber Performer Deluxe with the gas assist is the major "game changer" in regards to the other Weber Performers. Too bad they discontinued it on the $1,000 Weber Summit Charcoal Grill:(
I guess I am lazy,when I decided to get back into charcoal grilling,I read alot on this site on pros and cons of different grills and the performer won out so I started to watch Craigslist and found a good one with gas assit. Hands down the best purchase I ever made so now I own 2 of them. Webers just seem to add up ,or like being close to another Weber...
I recently bought some of the Royal Oak Tumbleweed starters and I like them.
Weber was the ones I always used but as mentioned above they where kind of of a pain to use /work with.
Mute point tho because I now have a performer with gas assist.
Life just got easy!
Those were the first starters I used and really liked them. I got a cheaper brand from Amazon, but am not impressed with them. Weber cubes are also really good, in my experience any way.
Those were the first starters I used and really liked them. I got a cheaper brand from Amazon, but am not impressed with them. Weber cubes are also really good, in my experience any way.
Finally broke into the box of generic Grill Trade tumbleweeds I had purchased on Amazon... I don't like them. They are very tightly rolled and difficult to light. It took four of these generic tumbleweeds last night and still the chimney wasn't lit adequately.

I have gas assist on my Summit Charcoal and using it often, but in a reverse sear the second chimney is usually lit sitting on my Smokey Joe.

I think I need a grill gun...
Charcoal bags cut into squares, brown paper packing material often found in shipping boxes, it's even perforated. Lit with a propane torch in a Rosle stainless chimney (I got tired of looking at the shabby rusty ones). I have the Weber starter cubes but I just don't find them necessary.
Either Weber cubes or gas assist on the performer. But I have also used paper bags, newspaper, and old bills that had been kept around for reference.
Gas assist on my Performer. When using the WSMs, I use the Weber cubes and put the chimney directly over the fire ring.
I’ve got my Performer but regularly run out of gas and have to use something else. 🤦‍♂️ I generally buy whatever is available where I’m shopping, the Weber cubes are nice. The little strike a match fire starter things they sell at the grocery store get the job done, I usually break the stick into about 3 pieces, it doesn’t take much to get it going, just let it preheat longer in the chimney. I bought those cute tumbleweed things at Publix, and really wanted to love them, but dang they smoked so much, I was afraid the neighbors were gonna call the fire department.
Like Bruno shared early on in this thread I got tons of Weber starter cubes at Target last fall for way cheap. However, I just opened my second to last box and know it is time to start think about what is next, I am really thinking about getting a box of these. Do you use one or two of these to light a full Weber chimney?
Sorry for the late reply, not getting email notifications from this site for some odd reason. Anyways, those fire starters have been working out well for me. Some of the tumbleweeds are large and some are medium in size, I've really only been using 1 with no issues. I have a standard Weber chimney and the small Weber chimney, I find myself using the smaller tumble weeds when I use the small chimney and the bigger ones for the bigger chimney, again only using 1 for each application. I get my B&B briquettes going in 15 mins or so.
Lately? Fire and Flavor 100% Biomass blocks. Something I found during the lean days of the pandemic at the big blue box store. Two fire off a chimney no problem. However, in reserve is packing paper, empty charcoal bags, weekly mailing circulars, a paper towel with a shot of cooking spray, Diamond Strike A Fire, Weber wax cubes, a propane soldering torch and a weed burner on a 20# cylinder.
I use the tumbleweed starters. Only recently started using the gas-assist on my Summit charcoal.

