Felling better and back at it sort of.


Rich Dahl

TVWBB 1-Star Olympian
Haven’t posted anything in a month or more. Now that I’m feeling better after a bad back injury, a 3 day stay at the hospital for heart problems, then a bad cold that lasted three weeks all one right after another. I decided to post a simple dinner I made seeing that’s all the energy I’ve got right now.
My 1997 greenie got the call as it’s the only grill that the roti will fit.
I had a nice bone in pork roast and some veggies that I’m going to use in another cook later in the week, so I though a little bit of pork drippings would be a tasty addition to the veggies.
Not much to look at but it felt good getting a grill fired up and doing a little cooking even if it was a gasser.





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Haven’t posted anything in a month or more. Now that I’m feeling better after a bad back injury, a 3 day stay at the hospital for heart problems, then a bad cold that lasted three weeks all one right after another
That's quite the ordeal to go through, know all about the back injury (I'm fused) That heart thing is scary, gotta keep that in check buddy. Good cook above, looks heart healthy :)
Glad to see you back grilling Rich!
You didn't skip a beat, everything looks scrumptious!

Beautiful green machine, wish we lived closer so you could help me re-hab the redhead for my son. :)
I could sure go for some of this! Every Week!


I read an article on fat/cholesterol this morning but not too sure what to make of it.
Glad you're back on your feet Rich! You obviously lost no skills during your time away from the grill! Everything looks delicious!
Nicely done Rich, Good to hear your felling better and able to lick some meat with some flames!!! Like others said you sure didn't lose any of your skills!!!
welcome back mate! Hope your run of bad luck healthwise is over......always have enjoyed your post and this one looks great! Cheers Mate!!!
Glad to see you're back in the saddle, Rich. Looks like you didn't get rusty at all during your recuperation. Keep up the good work...


Glad you're back cooking with us, Rich..and glad to see you're still churning out great food with the best of them. I hope you're back to 100% health soon.
Noting like a good cook/bbq to raise some spirts after your ordeal. It looks great! I wonder, did you find your cook a bit therapeutic, I think I would?

BTW, I must comment on how impressed I am with the shape of your 1997 genisis. Anyone who sees that knows it's owned by someone who takes pride in their stuff.
Thanks everyone for all the kind words. Everyday I get a little stronger and Barb is now ready to put the harness back on me and put me back to work and I'm looking forward to it. If it wasn't for the wonderful care Barb has given me this recovery would have taken a lot longer.
Glad to see you're "back" at it. (see what I did there?) Was missing the cooks from the Dahl residence.

