Father's Day lunch at Weber Grill St Louis


Bob Correll

R.I.P. 3/31/2022
I had these pics posted on Jim Lampe's thread, but they weren't visible to anyone but me.
A question for you techies at the end of my post.

Son and daughter-in-law treated Jo and I to lunch at Weber Grill on Saturday, a first time there for all of us.




Me and a bronze George Stephen. (you could have fried an egg on his head)


Entrance display.


Grilling school at the Grill Academy.


My lunch, bb ribs, meatloaf, cornbread, coleslaw, and garlic mashed.
I traded a rib to my son for a slice of brisket.
All was very good, the brisket was a bit dry though.


The cookers.
I zoomed in on the briquette on the table, it looks like it might be Royal Oak's Chef Select, I couldn't see a K or any grooves.


A very enjoyable day!

Now my tech question.
These pics were shot with my cell phone, they auto load to Google Plus and Picasa on the web, and when posted here they show up for me but not anyone else, no problem if posted on Facebook.
I have to download each one to Picasa software on my hard drive, then load them back up to a web album.
Anyone know a better way?

A very enjoyable day!

Now my tech question.
These pics were shot with my cell phone, they auto load to Google Plus and Picasa on the web, and when posted here they show up for me but not anyone else, no problem if posted on Facebook.
I have to download each one to Picasa software on my hard drive, then load them back up to a web album.
Anyone know a better way?

Now THAT'S a seriously beefy lid hinge! Then again, that lid alone is probably as heavy as a whole 22" kettle and I'm sure it gets opened a hundred times a day.

As for the pictures, I use Flickr, which lets you set photos to "public" and generates the appropriate embed code for the message board here. I do it from my 'puter, though (navigating the boards on my phone's tiny - by today's standards - 4.5" screen is a pain). I think Google+ allows you to set photos as public, but not sure about Picasa; also not sure if either of them generate "bb code" (the type you need for the forums here).
Looks like a fun day Bob. Thanks for sharing your pic's. Sorry, Photobucket is the only pic sharing program I'm familiar with. Almost maxed out though, so I'll have to look elsewhere unless I want to pay.
Bob, great pics and that plated plate looks delicious. Love to go to one of Weber's Restaurants looks very interesting.
Nice pictures Bob and like Barb said would love to go to one just to see what it looked like. Many years ago I went to the one in Chicago, but to be honest I just remember the huge kettles.
Bob, would you call your visit a once in a lifetime experience, or would you go back again?
Thanks everyone!

Bob, would you call your visit a once in a lifetime experience, or would you go back again?
Even though it's checked off my bucket list, I hope to go back, the food was excellent, and can't beat the atmosphere.

Jo had a Classic burger, and daughter-in-law had the Smokey Joe (burnt ends on a Parker house bun) all us left full and happy.
Perfect place for your son and DIL to take you for Father's Day! Thanks for sharing. That place went on my bucket list the instant I first heard about it.
I went to their Chicago restaurant last year, Best Dam Burger I ever eat!!!! Next time, I'm order a steak! They make great food there!!! Thanks for sharing.
What a cool restaurant! Interesting observation on the charcoal. Meatloaf on the grill sounds tasty. I need to try that sometime. Thanks for sharing!
I went to their Chicago restaurant last year, Best Dam Burger I ever eat!!!! Next time, I'm order a steak! They make great food there!!! Thanks for sharing.

My daughters had the same burger experience in Chicago last year.

We just got back from Chicago last week and we ate at the restaurant twice. First time we ordered steaks and the meal was amazing! Second time up was BBQ ribs and brisket. No one enjoyed the meal. What a let down.

I've always had the motto Don't order BBQ at a steakhouse! I should have known better but was swayed by the 'Weber' name. Oh well. We pretend the second visit was just a bad dream! Ha!

Thanks for sharing the photos! Need to visit St. Louis some day.
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I didn´t know there were Weber Grills. I´d like to go to one of them and have a look to everything.. like those big BBQ that they have in the kitchen..
it´s an U.F.O. Sure!

A very good day !!!

