Fall pot roast a la Cliff


Rich G

TVWBB Honor Circle
Ok, I really wasn't kidding about the pot roast, I just didn't have time to make it yesterday.......but I did today! :) I won't go into the details here, since Cliff did a masterful job of that in his post that I have shamelessly replicated. Where I deviated was a 3.5lb roast, ran the grill at 240F, and I used a roux to thicken up the gravy after cooking. Since I had a bigger roast, I went about six hours instead of Cliff's four. The roast could have been a little more tender, but I actually enjoyed it in its sliceable phase! This was delicious, Cliff, THANK YOU!!!! :)

Veggies getting ready for their turn:


The bath is ready (had some port on hand, so that was my "red wine"):


There's a roast under there, I promise!!!:


Sliced, bowled, and gravyed:


Oh, and I made some ribs, too:

Great looking version of Cliff's fall masterpiece! Thanks for stealing the one thought I had to make this meal my own😁, using a roux to thicken the gravy is the one variation in my plans. Now I will be making Rich's version of Cliff's fall master class next weekend. Someone would had to role me away from the table after pot roast and ribs, I wouldn't have been able to say no to either.
The bath is ready (had some port on hand, so that was my "red wine"):
Well aren't we just Mr. Fancy Wine Guy! I hope it was something pedestrian from a screw-cap 750 bottle.;)

The beef and the ribs both have nice smoke rings. Although I find it interesting that the pot roast plate shows no bread...was Panera closed by the time you realized you needed some?😈
Great looking version of Cliff's fall masterpiece! Thanks for stealing the one thought I had to make this meal my own😁, using a roux to thicken the gravy is the one variation in my plans. Now I will be making Rich's version of Cliff's fall master class next weekend. Someone would had to role me away from the table after pot roast and ribs, I wouldn't have been able to say no to either.
I choose to believe that's just great minds thinking alike, Michael! :) I just prefer a thicker gravy, so the roux made sense. It's still Cliff's version, just with a little twist.
Well aren't we just Mr. Fancy Wine Guy! I hope it was something pedestrian from a screw-cap 750 bottle.;)

The beef and the ribs both have nice smoke rings. Although I find it interesting that the pot roast plate shows no bread...was Panera closed by the time you realized you needed some?😈
If you must know, Brad, it was a 375ml screw-cap! :) There was bread, I just didn't take any pictures of it. Made two loaves today -- 20% whole wheat, 10% semolina, 5% rye. :)

One of these days I'm going to cyberstalk you, get your address, and show up at your house with a truckload of Wisconsin butter and a very sharp bread knife. I'll crash on the couch in your basement.;)

Fortunately screw-caps are becoming widely accepted in the industry and are no longer an automatic indicator of lesser quality, although from what I can tell the wineries here still cork their ports and dessert wines. I guess Wisconsin still cares.;)
One of these days I'm going to cyberstalk you, get your address, and show up at your house with a truckload of Wisconsin butter and a very sharp bread knife. I'll crash on the couch in your basement.;)

Fortunately screw-caps are becoming widely accepted in the industry and are no longer an automatic indicator of lesser quality, although from what I can tell the wineries here still cork their ports and dessert wines. I guess Wisconsin still cares.;)
Awww, it's cute that you think we have basements in California! :) I'm willing to bet cyber-stalking me for my address would not be all that difficult. I mean, how many Rich G's can there be in Redwood City?!? :) I can always use butter!
Man, that looks wonderful Rich! Ribs too. Really like the roux upgrade. Mine pales in comparison to yours! And that smoke ring. Wow. Mine had a smoke ring too, but the vegetables covered it up. :oops: OK, that was a big fat lie. I didn't even get a smoke spot.
Man, that looks wonderful Rich! Ribs too. Really like the roux upgrade. Mine pales in comparison to yours! And that smoke ring. Wow. Mine had a smoke ring too, but the vegetables covered it up. :oops: OK, that was a big fat lie. I didn't even get a smoke spot.
Thanks, Cliff. Yeah, I never got a smoke ring like that on the WSM, but I seem to every time on the pellet grill. Not sure what the scientific reason for that is, but it is attractive (tastes the same though!) :)

Both yours and Cliffs were great Rich. Got to drag a hunk of chuck out of the freezer and make some for Barb and I, great stuff
Man O Man that's a fine looking meal! Perfect for wintry days! Did I tell you it snowed here?

It’s sunny and 93 where I am and want some of that mouth-watering pot roast. Fantastic looking cook, Rich! The more amazing food I see coming from those pellet cookers, the harder they are to resist.

The roux is a great idea. Shall we call this Clich’s Pot Roast?
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