Egg Muffins


John Solak

TVWBB 1-Star Olympian
Felt like breakfast for dinner all day today.

Took some cooked some Jimmy Dean sausage, sauteed an onion, chopped up around 8 Hatch chilies, some shredded cheese and divided it between the two tins. Added an egg to each section too and seasoned with a little salt and pepper.

35-40 minutes later they were done. I did rotated the pans aroun the 20 minute mark

Egg muffins removed from the pan and cooling

added some hash browns and Grand biscuits to the grill

Split a hash brown in half and added that and an egg muffin to a biscuit. Not the greatest plated pic but you get the idea.
One more thing, if you are bored with the Grands, you can always put a hole in the middle and make donuts and donut holes with them.

