Drummies and wings on the Vortex.



TVWBB Emerald Member
Well not everybody likes hot, so i made some dummies a few different ways on the new Vortex and a big thanks to Nate Frost for the setup.

So here are the flavors of the week.


The one on the far right is for courage to continue in unfamiliar territory.;)

No ziplock bags so had to go a different route.


After 2 hours i flipped them and hoped for the best.


No leaks.

The Nate Frost setup = awesome.


Doing there thing.


I like this pic.


Added some Stater Brothers wings and thats all i got. It all came out tasty.


No plated pictures, it was time to eat.

Thank for looking.
Thanks Teddy, my neighbor that doesn't like chicken ate 5 dummies yesterday and the new grill grates probably make it look better.
Real nice drums, look mighty tasty. To get the most out of that vortex, it's ideal if you can get the drums at the same level as the vortex, so that the heat from the side of the vortex radiates onto the cook
So easy a Caveman could do it, hope I'm not offending any Caveman on this forum....;)

ChuckO the master of flame, my wheels were already spinning before you made your comment.
Stay tuned.

Chicken thighs next and maybe a meatloaf snake < if there is such a thing.

Thanks Rich, Barb, Enrico, etc. Fire it up and spin the lid is all you have to do no flipping what your cooking.

Nice new place you have and love the taco cart, party on my friend.

