Does Anyone Use Or Know About Western Wood?



TVWBB Gold Member
A neighbor gave me a bag of Western brand oak chunks. I'm not familiar with them. Does anyone know if they're any good?
JR, I buy that brand online. I have a bag each of Western oak, apple and hickory. Good wood for smoking, nice even sized chunks.
Western brand is sold around here at Menards and HD and it's alright.
Some decent sized pieces and the normal amount of bark, chips and smallies .

Thanks Tim. I think I may have seen it around here but really don't know anything about it.
I've seen it sold at Academy. I've used the oak and the pecan and they were both pretty good. I think they are out of Texas somewhere. It's kiln dried like anything else.
I don't use Oak to smoke, I use Oak to burn. I would have to think that Oak would be pretty heavy smoke, I know that when I'm waiting for it to "flame" (when starting) the Oak smoke really hurts the eyes. I have to tell you, there's no better wood to cook over, than Oak, but when it's flaming, not smoldering
And that's the burn, you have to use 2-3 times more than using wood that has been naturally dried with the right moisture content.


I agree, since I started getting all my wood from the Woodshed in Orange, California, which is naturally dried I found that one chunk would do as much as 3 or 4 of the kilned dried stuff from Home Depot.
I agree, since I started getting all my wood from the Woodshed in Orange, California, which is naturally dried I found that one chunk would do as much as 3 or 4 of the kilned dried stuff from Home Depot.

I've got some pecan and oak layed in and seasoning. The oak is over a year old but still doesn't seem ready. It was sold as "oak" so I have no idea what species it is. The pecan is mostly dead fall from my tree. I really love pecan.
Thanks Chuck, Rich and Dustinn. I like oak for beef like brisket etc. I need to find a good source of wood. The only options locally are the bagged chunks sold at Home Depot or Lowes.

They will ship and they are recommended by Harry Soo. Next time I need wood, that is who I will call.

They folks over at the Woodshed are amazing and so kind! It's the only place I'd ever get my wood from!

Patty and team always take care of my requests and always make me feel like extra special.

So glad they are only 35 or so mins away from me.

